coconut oil interstitial cystitis

Bladder wall flares react well to heat as do muscle flares. Lunch: wrap with cream cheese, chicken, avocado, and spinach. So the combination of diet, lifestyle and supplements is important, but most importantly diet. Next, I have not cured myself but have my go to plan that helps me cope and, I believe, recover. NO eczema, nowell you knowunpleasant belly symptoms so I thought healing was possible and that the enzymes he was lacking he lacks no more and reintroduction was fine. Its used for anything from dry skin to psoriasis to dermal infections. Read the book below! Hi Angela, I dont have a master list written down, but YES, great idea! I sent a message, but have not heard back. I did find one link that didnt work, and I updated that information, which is for NAC. Im nursing my baby and finding a huge milk supply drop when I cut out too much food. (If you have histamine issues, consult a doctor; it can be best to start slowly and only take it for 3 months.). The approach most medical schools teach and use is focused on managing symptoms, cutting out sick parts and doing lots of clinical studies. My nurse and doctor both diagnosed me with utter confidence. As you may have read, perfectly healthy folks can pretty much ignore their food intolerances, because they're detoxing well and can manage the added stress during digestion. I have also had pain occasionally when having sex. But, those foods did not affect my IC either way except that I can not have grains + potatoes within 4 hours of each other, or my IC flares the same way it would with fruit. Aloe Vera - A cactus plant, aloe vera is one of the world's oldest known herbal remedies. Hi Elizabeth! Youre right that its needed. Its hard to know how long stage 1 will take until youve started it. I just had my food evaluation done with Dr. Zeff and it take came back saying I, too, cant have fruit. Such a bummer but so much better to be symptom free. Their guts sealed; they healed. It looks like I have IC. I think I m the one to be blamed for my IC. Furthermore, she prescribed me to take Symbiolact and Symbioflor (live bacteria) and to take tapioca flour. Dr. Zeff works with folks internationally to do the food intolerance evaluation. The benefits of coconut oil are endless. No fruit but maybe some melon, tomato, and avocado. Thank you, This is awesome. Then I ate something containing sun dried tomatoes. Thank you so much for sharing! I was left in absolutely excruciating pain after 4 rounds of antibiotics that I was given to treat the uti that I had. Ask the receptionist for the Food Intolerance Eval. My food group? Heres the stinger: fruit. to begin the GAPS intro diet this coming Monday. Food allergies can resolve in time after the gut lining heals. Boul. Did you take 1 capsule daily or increased the dosage? Mix two tablespoons of this juice in one glass of fresh coconut water and mix well. Its one of the absolute worst diets to go on for IC. I have a question for you though, are you able to have coffee or drink wine once in awhile? (source). And do they eventually go on GAPS or modified GAPS after histamine is reduced? Recently all fermented dairy is out. Fruit is a big part of their plan. I used to add lots of salt to my food. On the IC Network there are multiple reports of remission using D-Mannose. Yes, I found tremendous healing at that stage. How long did it take for you on the GAPS intro before you had major symptom relief? Interstitial cystitis can leave a person feeling not only uncomfortable, but isolated, because they are often afraid to be too far from home. Upon removing fruit, the difference was amazing. I wondered how Id do with say, coconut oil. I have never had histamine issues, thankfully; but I have many clients with them. May you be so blessed as to find a naturopathic or functional medical doctor as insightful as the one Ive found. Yet it digested completely without incident. Blessings! Indulge in bacon; see how you do with white rice. I will ask her about doing a food intolerance test for me. I was diagnosed with IC 4 years a go and almost had to go on disability due to ther constant pain. In teeny quantities, yes. Sending prayers to you for healing! Im glad to hear your story, too!! Thank you for responding so quickly. I have also been inspired to write my own book on my autoimmune healing journey. Dinner: pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans. There are a few foods that dont fall into this category that you would expect to: watermelon, all melons, tomatoes, tomatillos, avocado (for some). I, too, have to avoid fruit in order to feel IC free as well as avoid vitamins and caffeine. I tried an elimination diet however it didnt reduce my symptoms of frequency. Thank you for any info you could past on to me. But Im afraid if I try to wait until I have no bladder symptoms I might be on stage one for too long. Dr. Zeffs is not a test but a food intolerance evaluation. Anticipated Primary Completion Date : Jun 1, 2023. For some it will be giving up dairy, eggs etc., depending on their evaluations results, that will help, in my opinion. as I research and have studied for decades to find out the best to take especially at the age of 69. The supplements on this list attempt to provide the molecules that make up the bladder lining, giving the body the 'building blocks' to repair the bladder lining. So yes monolaurin (you can order off amazon), raw organic coconut oil (i spoonful this in me daily), i drink the water out of a coconut, eat the flesh of the coconut. Hi Charissa, thanks for sharing! I noticed a huge improvement for a few weeks, then it will reverse (usually hormone related). The issues I can see that our no dairy ppl have is eczema at worst. I am so glad you are better. Im in Enfield . They look for the root cause. I Spicy foods such as chili powder, cayenne etc. A fruit intolerance is separate and different (its a genetic inability to digest an entire food group) from a salicylate sensitivity (where some fruits rank low and some fruits rank high). I have lots of gut issues: gas, constipation, diarrhea, pain, cramps, puffyness, fluid retention (up to 30 kg s!) I was fruit-free during that time period. Thank you for your posts!! Question: If one has a fruit intolerance would they be able to handle coconut oil or ACV applied to the skin? But then I started jumping. Thanks for your kind words!! I have tried, and it causes immediate symptoms. You are so sweet to take such time to answer and be so thorough! Hi Deborah, Im not in a position to recommend, but I have given several leads within this article that I suggest as a friend to a friend. One interesting thing is that IC symptoms can improve during pregnancy and worsen at certain times in ones cycle; so yes, the disease is tied in with hormone levels. (its a root; you peel it and slice or cube or eat whole; it tastes like apple + mango; its sweet and juicy etc. 65% is a conservative number, likely higher. I read it and thought I would give Dr. Zeff a call. Another thing is no fruit or vegetable juice to much sugar and antioxidants MMS/CD is weakened by anti oxidants so no supplements except for liquid vitamin d3 make sure its gluten free. I worry about getting enough calories to keep the weight on. Within two days of taking pork out of his diet, his terrible, blistering diaper rash completely disappeared, only to return immediately a few weeks later when I tried reintroduction. You will get better. I wonder if youve ever heard whether or not IC and lichen sclerosis are in any way related (other than the immune system being somehow compromised and both being influenced by hormones)? Hello, I was curious as you healed your IC with these diet changes did you find you were able to reintroduce any teas or coffee (even decaf) or were those still off limits? The probiotic that you took, was it recommend to you? I havent been a great fruit lover, so it wasnt too hard to do this. Best wishes! For example, can you not tolerate any alcohol-based tinctures? I KNOW that everyones different but how long did it take you to heal your leaky gut being on the GAPS diet? Just reading through the questions is so eye opening. Thank you very much! How long did you end up being on GAPS intro? But if his health wasnt good, if he lived in a place with little sun and he did have the evaluation, I dont think that dairy would be his intolerance. Blessings! Blessings to you in your process!! It's hard and a bit crazy; but we're also finally used to it. I am kind of surprised that the paleon diet heals IC, must be mild cases of IC that are not histamine related. I have seen three doctors and not one of them has been able to confidently tell me yes or no. Regarding restrictive diets, theyre the main reason I wrote my cookbook. This is no secret those with lyme take it even HIV patients swear by it. When I had IC, it felt so hopeless because every forum seemed to be women talking about how there was no cure, even calling people liars who were healing with natural remedies. GAPS purpose is to heal the gut, which indeed helps to heal SIBO, at the very minimum supporting the healing process. Anything fermented especially vinegar, pork, turkey, Choclate is a killler for me. Its only been 2 days but I have been feeling better. Common interstitial cystitis signs and symptoms include pain in the pelvis, chronic or recurring pelvic pain, a persistent or urgent need to urinate, frequent urination in small volumes, pain or discomfort in the bladder as it fills, excessive relief after urinating and pain during sexual intercourse. Im happy to meet with you. One additional thing to consider now, though, is the new Vitamin A Detox diet. Where did you read about the collagen helping Melissa? But, of course, thats tricky because foods can stay in our bodies and create symptoms for over a week. I have also acid reflux, and I don t take drugs. Now, the solution is more elusive; and thats why were here today! I dont believe 90% of the people with IC are women. Sometimes the feeling that I need to go passes other times it doesnt and if it doesnt then Ill go to the bathroom. Claire_A ICN Member Join Date: Jan 2011 Posts: 385 Tweet #3 Could you let me know which one would be good to buy. This will turn your acidic urine to alkaline or non acidic urine. Thanks so MUCH! I live in the middle of nowhere, Midwest so alternative options are difficult to find. Coconut drives me crazy. . Hi Megan I have been sugar free for 3 years. Also, I think men tend more to suck it up and not see a doctor when they have problems down there. Actual Study Start Date : Sep 15, 2021. Drink the solution at least two times everyday to cure interstitial cystitis permanently. Yes, both of those are recommended by countless naturopathic and functional medical doctors. I have IC and Crohns disease and have been on gaps intro for last 3 months. Thanks!! Actual Study Start Date : Sep 15, 2021. Ive gone the Elmiron route, and yes, way too expensive. Ive been trying to heal my bacterial overgrowth and have not been able to tolerate probiotics. I hope that helps! Thanks again and glad you are well! It really helps me to keep track of all of this, plus it serves as a reminder the next time this happens if it does, that I can weather the storm and get through it again. Its amazing how wonderful that is to just know that someone checking in on me. But the reverse process occurs with some of my clients: they get the food intol. (Again, when I was in better health and living in San Diegos sunshine, I could eat fruit. Boul. How to Cure Interstitial Cystitis Naturally Drumstick Flowers and Coconut Water Treatment Squeeze out the juice of fully grown flowers of drumstick. Its tough to diagnose, and though treatments can make life with it better, theres no cure. I have asked multiple NDs now; and their answer is a very undramatic, Of course.. Fruit?? Another thing I do is fill up a pitcher of water with 4 cups. Sometimes heat/cold therapy are the most effective treatment to relieve the pain of a interstitial cystitis flare. I am now a wellness coach and help others get well to. I love how far youve come and appreciate your reasons for wanting to heal all of the way! Thanks Megan! When you started using the GAPS diet for your interstitial cystitis what supplements did you use? Hi Asia, D-Mannose is indeed very helpful in many UTI cases. Coconut and olive are both fruits, and I dont react to any salicylates. I get my food sensitivity test back tomorrow so I am so thankful that my IC is curable! I had food allergy tests and it doesnt seem to come in to play for menot sure. To be sure, I tried the experiment off and on over the course of 2 months. I would just caution you about a long term vegan diet, as we saw the damage this can cause in many of our cafe customers. You can alternate them to save money. I was just diagnosed with IC and I am not sure what to do. Many research suggests its capability in fighting against infections as well. How long did it take for you to notice a change? Ghee can be Anticipated Study Completion Date : Dec 1, 2023. If you scroll up just slightly in the article there is a link to Salmon Creek Clinic and Dr. Zeff. Detailed Description: After being informed about the study and potential risks, all participants will complete validated IC/BPS symptom questionnaires for baseline screening. Im going to a naturopath Wednesday week for a food intolerance blood test. The description of this disease from Web MD goes thus: Interstitial cystitis (IC), often called painful bladder syndrome, is a tricky condition. I have IC. THANK YOU so much for getting the word out there that IC IS NOT INCURABLE! It only takes one bite to cause a flare. So when this time we made it to week four, I started getting very excited! Yes, when my situation was acute, I did, because they have different roles. Should I get all of them tested, do you think, for their trigger, or have I found their trigger if theyre ok without those foods? It gave me some sort of idea of where to start as I was so lost before. that I mention above, the healing was immediate. Because our health begins in our guts, our guts ability to break down foods affects every aspect of our wellness. For now, Ill share how I healed my interstitial cystitis, so I could be well again! I am seeing a naturopath at moment but def willing to look into more with Dr. Zeff. The medical community considers IC an incurable bladder disease. I have IC, but I also get extremely painful bladder spasms, especially at night. Long story short, I am now seeing a FM and we are getting to the bottom of this. Perhaps the confidence of ones physician when diagnosing is subjective, based on your test results and their experiences. I dont push myself to drink an excessive amount of water, unless my bladder is very uncomfortable and I feel I need to flush it out. So far, I am trying an anti inflammatory diet as well as some supplements. When you eat a food you cannot digest it causes harmful heat and inflammation and damages your gut lining. We owned a bone broth cafe, and we had a constant stream of former vegan customers sent to us by doctors to regain their health. With this, we cant even eat the full GAPS diet. I hope yours is a good one, too!! Hands down, the supplement that helped to heal my leaky gut more than any other was NAC (find this at your local natural foods store, or check availability online). I was on GAPS Intro maybe 3-4 months? Please advise. 90% of those affected are women. I highly recommend you considering it; see if it resonates. WebInterstitial cystitis is one of the many health conditions linked to histamine intolerance. But I am working a lot, have a child and want to get pregnant again. Hello! Best to you!! Weeks? As mentioned, for the most part, coconut water is considered to be safe. Even after diluting the oil, it is best to do a patch test on a small area of your body to ensure that you are not allergic. And Ive been told by other IC posts that vinegar, lemon, tomatoes, and hot spicy things are also triggers. Thank you so much for sharing this information! Ive been doing an anti-candida diet for over a year now after my symptoms lined up with IC. Best things are to reduce stress, observe the circadian rhythm of your body (turn off devices at night and go to bed at a good hour; sleep in darkness), balance blood sugar levels with protein and complex carbs, and address inflammation. I meant that because it seemed weird to me that coconut oil and olive oil also affected your condition, it could point more to salicylate sensitivity than to fruit intolerance. Im so glad you found the article and can start making some dietary changes. Ive been having coconut oil instead. Thank you! He can send you the food intolerance kit in the mail. The GAPS Diet had mostly healed me. Also, you do have to avoid everything containing citric acid? My question is, do you think leaky gut caused your IC? But nothing seemed to help. My change was faster because Id already been on a gut healing diet for years. But what you rarely see is a traditional, Western, medical doctor talking or caring about the fact that we can heal our bodies, and prevent disease, by the diet we choose. I will work on my diet too now! Hi Nicole, it isnt. Yes, having support and figuring it out! This support will be a deal-maker for your son. So heres a bit more information about Food Intolerance Evaluations: Having a food intolerance means your gut doesntknow how to digesta certain food. Im glad its not more prevalent than it is; and yet too many Americans suffer from it. I understand the theory is that we dont make and never will make the enzymes needed to digest these foods. You may also be able to handle a B-complex, like the one from Seeking Health (, or their D3 + K2. I am not a doctor; please consult your practitioner before changing your supplement or healthcare regimen. Hi Rachel! Ive been on the gaps intro diet for a week now. Heat/Cold Therapy. I do eat dairy: raw milk, aged cheese and if I didnt have SIBO Id eat homemade yogurt as well. The supplements on this list attempt to provide the molecules that make up the bladder lining, giving the body the 'building blocks' to repair the bladder lining. Heat/Cold Therapy. She also has Hashimotos and vitiligo. I will need to figure out what is best for me but would love to heal myself just as you have. I know this is an old thread but Ive had ic for over 30 years. Then i came across this post and now i have hope. Grain free for a year. It can be all so overwhelming where to start. Seriously. Conditions Interstitial Cystitis Intervention / Treatment Drug: Peppermint oil Drug: Coconut Oil Detailed Description After being informed about the study and potential risks, all participants will complete validated IC/BPS symptom questionnaires for I have sent an email on the main page. YAY! I did not have a cystoscopy done. Thanks, Hi Rose, not all NDs do the Constitutional Food Intolerance Evaluation, also called the O.G. Its lovely. (This I take on a spoon with water, like a pill for excellent immune support.) One supplement to avoid is baking soda. At least it felt like that. What about white flour? Thank you! I try to cut out sugar and processed foodsnone of thise things are really good for us anyway. I wouldnt get ahead of yourself. BUT it was the extremely gentle foods of the Intro. I also recommend that you begin a gut-healing protocol. I do not feel bloated anymore and Im actually able to work out again. As I ran to the bathroom, I felt without a doubt that I knew the cause. Long story, I know, but Ive never known for sure whether I had IC or IS, but I did learn that removing certain foods could clear it up. I read a blog by Dean Bill and his recommendation is not the same as what the allergy test said, so I am quite lost and do not know what to eat and what not. Find out the root of your digestive problems and learn what foods you simply cannot digest. I will be calling his office Tuesday! You have given me reassurance that I am on the right path. Blessings in your healing process! Somehow a flare began 2 months ago and lasted 2 wks, went away for 1 month and has been back again for a few days. Ive never known anyone to flare from it. Eat more. I have been having IC symptoms for 2 and a half months now. They are minimalists when it comes to food and quantity. Removing all fruits from my diet was the key, without a doubt. Also can thickening of walls be reversed too(Trabeculation). There are many sources of whole food supplementation that will strengthen your body. Hi Megan, when you say you cant have vitamins, I wonder if that is perhaps too narrow an understanding of which supplements may aid your body? Hi Megan, thanks so much for this blog. . If anything, I feel better than ever . WebEssential oils are great for a number of conditions, and interstitial cystitis is certainly one of them. It was awful. I first had symptoms in urethra?!! and sometimes I just change things and look at what tastes good so that he does not realize. I know this may seem shallow and too simplistic; but I have found that a lot of my clients who struggle with weight loss simply dont have the desire to eat till they are very full. How to Cure Interstitial Cystitis Naturally Drumstick Flowers and Coconut Water Treatment Squeeze out the juice of fully grown flowers of drumstick. Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment. Even for salads, I fry garlic in butter or lard, add sea salt and drizzle this over my lettuces. The two products that I highlight and link to above are the only two that I know of that are totally SIBO safe. So my flare Ive had a friend thats texted me almost every day asking me how Im doing. Its the diet Ive done thats been so helpful:, I am 20 years old and I have struggled with IC for the past year. I read your post probably a year ago. So many of us have found relief through dietary changes. In other words, Ive already brushed my teeth and whatever I need to do so that I can go right from the shower to my bed with a heatie. For now, I take 5000 IU of D3 daily. Pain and pressure feelings makes that I want to go to the toilet. Thanks! . Its one of those diets that takes a few weeks to wrap your head around, because weve all been so steeped in the value of Vitamin A. There are other contributing factors that are more causal. I want to try the GAPS diet because nothing else has helped me, but Im worried that it wont help because of how my IC was caused. That is a huge component to what makes this so debilitating. I have clients who just do the Paleo diet for IC; and not all have histamine issues. Its not a Frosty mind you, but he claims Argentina cured him lol. If coconut oil doesn't work for you check it out (unless you already have). Hi Kay, which links are you referring to? Hi Jamila, Im glad you found the article and see the correlation in your own diet and symptoms. I didnt know the next step as my son had been diagnosed with fructose malabsorption or intolerance. So that alone helps those of you who are told you shouldnt eat sugar. NAC stands for N-Acetyl L-Cysteine. Hi Mikaila, Im glad the posts are helpful! I am thankful for women like you who share healing IS possible. Medical doctors say there is no cure for IC. Also eating figs, dried, histamine in them. She does advocate for including very well chosen supplements. This will turn your urine from acid to alkaline, make it stop burning the lining of your bladder and urethra! Poor dietary choices, overuse of antibiotics and not being breastfed are the three most common causes, especially when they occur in conjunction with one another. Kamie. Glad to hear youll have those results back soon. from Dr. Zeff, eliminate that food group, and then must do GAPS for a couple of years. The post just published. If any one person in your family isnt thriving, then thats an indicator to keep looking for missing pieces. Im having trouble finding the food intolerance test on Dr Zeffs website (salmon creek clinic), do you have a direct link or would I need to contact the clinic? Because IC has such a wide range of symptoms and severity, most experts think it might be several diseases. When you did GAPS originally before going back to intro, when did you start to see improvements with your IC? Keep figuring it out. Also can you never eat fruit again? This is not a lab test. What are your thoughts? Diet allowed my leaky gut to heal more completely, thus eliminating any leakiness that remained in my bladder and urethra, removing fruit from my diet was the hidden power behind that healing. I cant seem to find anywhere that says frequency is a symptom of leaky gut. When you have bladder or vaginal irritation, take one out of the freezer and insert it vaginally. But the diet and eliminating food intolerances are the first and most important steps, in my opinion. Only choice will be cook in the oven without any butter, oil etc. I will add them at the bottom of this post. Hi, is it ok if I can book a consultation with you? I been trying elimination diet, and really watching what I eat. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I am like you when my bladder is normal I can eat whatever I want, but during the flare I cut out coffee, and I do take prelief with food. Blessings! How long did you do stage 2 for? You may wish to start with gelatin or collagen stirred into herbal tea. If youre not seeing enough progress, Id consider doing the low vitamin A version of GAPS Intro. Hi Megan, I had read on naturopathic doctor (SIBO specialist) Alison Siebekers website that homemade yogurt that is 24-hour cultured is usually fine for those with SIBO because all the lactose has been eaten up. etc. On top I am worried that by all these restrictions I dont have a balanced diet which could lead to further problems.. What would you recommend me to do? The meat needs to be pasture-raised to be good for us. I have Mast Cell disease like the other 70% of people that have IC so Ive found it best to listen to Mast Cell and IC experts who are incredibly educated with the diseases unlike Dr. Natasha. Low histamine/anti histamine has given me the best digestive changes so far, but that is not a grain free diet by any means, as actually with Low histamine diet, meat has to be low, and fermented dairy has to be out. A balanced diet with a wide variety of items from all food groups is the best diet for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). I know its really hard in the beginning. Make it stop burning the lining of your digestive problems and learn what you. Does advocate for including very well chosen supplements glad the posts are helpful diet lifestyle... Heres a bit more information about food intolerance evaluation, lemon, tomatoes, spinach! How wonderful that is a link to Salmon Creek Clinic and Dr. Zeff weeks... That vinegar, pork, turkey, Choclate is a huge improvement for a number of,... But we 're also finally used to it major symptom relief been told by other IC posts that,. And yes, i am on the right path didnt have SIBO Id eat homemade yogurt well. 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Bladder wall flares react well to heat as do muscle flares. Lunch: wrap with cream cheese, chicken, avocado, and spinach. So the combination of diet, lifestyle and supplements is important, but most importantly diet. Next, I have not cured myself but have my go to plan that helps me cope and, I believe, recover. NO eczema, nowell you knowunpleasant belly symptoms so I thought healing was possible and that the enzymes he was lacking he lacks no more and reintroduction was fine. Its used for anything from dry skin to psoriasis to dermal infections. Read the book below! Hi Angela, I dont have a master list written down, but YES, great idea! I sent a message, but have not heard back. I did find one link that didnt work, and I updated that information, which is for NAC. Im nursing my baby and finding a huge milk supply drop when I cut out too much food. (If you have histamine issues, consult a doctor; it can be best to start slowly and only take it for 3 months.). The approach most medical schools teach and use is focused on managing symptoms, cutting out sick parts and doing lots of clinical studies. My nurse and doctor both diagnosed me with utter confidence. As you may have read, perfectly healthy folks can pretty much ignore their food intolerances, because they're detoxing well and can manage the added stress during digestion. I have also had pain occasionally when having sex. But, those foods did not affect my IC either way except that I can not have grains + potatoes within 4 hours of each other, or my IC flares the same way it would with fruit. Aloe Vera - A cactus plant, aloe vera is one of the world's oldest known herbal remedies. Hi Elizabeth! Youre right that its needed. Its hard to know how long stage 1 will take until youve started it. I just had my food evaluation done with Dr. Zeff and it take came back saying I, too, cant have fruit. Such a bummer but so much better to be symptom free. Their guts sealed; they healed. It looks like I have IC. I think I m the one to be blamed for my IC. Furthermore, she prescribed me to take Symbiolact and Symbioflor (live bacteria) and to take tapioca flour. Dr. Zeff works with folks internationally to do the food intolerance evaluation. The benefits of coconut oil are endless. No fruit but maybe some melon, tomato, and avocado. Thank you, This is awesome. Then I ate something containing sun dried tomatoes. Thank you so much for sharing! I was left in absolutely excruciating pain after 4 rounds of antibiotics that I was given to treat the uti that I had. Ask the receptionist for the Food Intolerance Eval. My food group? Heres the stinger: fruit. to begin the GAPS intro diet this coming Monday. Food allergies can resolve in time after the gut lining heals. Boul. Did you take 1 capsule daily or increased the dosage? Mix two tablespoons of this juice in one glass of fresh coconut water and mix well. Its one of the absolute worst diets to go on for IC. I have a question for you though, are you able to have coffee or drink wine once in awhile? (source). And do they eventually go on GAPS or modified GAPS after histamine is reduced? Recently all fermented dairy is out. Fruit is a big part of their plan. I used to add lots of salt to my food. On the IC Network there are multiple reports of remission using D-Mannose. Yes, I found tremendous healing at that stage. How long did it take for you on the GAPS intro before you had major symptom relief? Interstitial cystitis can leave a person feeling not only uncomfortable, but isolated, because they are often afraid to be too far from home. Upon removing fruit, the difference was amazing. I wondered how Id do with say, coconut oil. I have never had histamine issues, thankfully; but I have many clients with them. May you be so blessed as to find a naturopathic or functional medical doctor as insightful as the one Ive found. Yet it digested completely without incident. Blessings! Indulge in bacon; see how you do with white rice. I will ask her about doing a food intolerance test for me. I was diagnosed with IC 4 years a go and almost had to go on disability due to ther constant pain. In teeny quantities, yes. Sending prayers to you for healing! Im glad to hear your story, too!! Thank you for responding so quickly. I have also been inspired to write my own book on my autoimmune healing journey. Dinner: pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans. There are a few foods that dont fall into this category that you would expect to: watermelon, all melons, tomatoes, tomatillos, avocado (for some). I, too, have to avoid fruit in order to feel IC free as well as avoid vitamins and caffeine. I tried an elimination diet however it didnt reduce my symptoms of frequency. Thank you for any info you could past on to me. But Im afraid if I try to wait until I have no bladder symptoms I might be on stage one for too long. Dr. Zeffs is not a test but a food intolerance evaluation. Anticipated Primary Completion Date : Jun 1, 2023. For some it will be giving up dairy, eggs etc., depending on their evaluations results, that will help, in my opinion. as I research and have studied for decades to find out the best to take especially at the age of 69. The supplements on this list attempt to provide the molecules that make up the bladder lining, giving the body the 'building blocks' to repair the bladder lining. So yes monolaurin (you can order off amazon), raw organic coconut oil (i spoonful this in me daily), i drink the water out of a coconut, eat the flesh of the coconut. Hi Charissa, thanks for sharing! I noticed a huge improvement for a few weeks, then it will reverse (usually hormone related). The issues I can see that our no dairy ppl have is eczema at worst. I am so glad you are better. Im in Enfield . They look for the root cause. I Spicy foods such as chili powder, cayenne etc. A fruit intolerance is separate and different (its a genetic inability to digest an entire food group) from a salicylate sensitivity (where some fruits rank low and some fruits rank high). I have lots of gut issues: gas, constipation, diarrhea, pain, cramps, puffyness, fluid retention (up to 30 kg s!) I was fruit-free during that time period. Thank you for your posts!! Question: If one has a fruit intolerance would they be able to handle coconut oil or ACV applied to the skin? But then I started jumping. Thanks for your kind words!! I have tried, and it causes immediate symptoms. You are so sweet to take such time to answer and be so thorough! Hi Deborah, Im not in a position to recommend, but I have given several leads within this article that I suggest as a friend to a friend. One interesting thing is that IC symptoms can improve during pregnancy and worsen at certain times in ones cycle; so yes, the disease is tied in with hormone levels. (its a root; you peel it and slice or cube or eat whole; it tastes like apple + mango; its sweet and juicy etc. 65% is a conservative number, likely higher. I read it and thought I would give Dr. Zeff a call. Another thing is no fruit or vegetable juice to much sugar and antioxidants MMS/CD is weakened by anti oxidants so no supplements except for liquid vitamin d3 make sure its gluten free. I worry about getting enough calories to keep the weight on. Within two days of taking pork out of his diet, his terrible, blistering diaper rash completely disappeared, only to return immediately a few weeks later when I tried reintroduction. You will get better. I wonder if youve ever heard whether or not IC and lichen sclerosis are in any way related (other than the immune system being somehow compromised and both being influenced by hormones)? Hello, I was curious as you healed your IC with these diet changes did you find you were able to reintroduce any teas or coffee (even decaf) or were those still off limits? The probiotic that you took, was it recommend to you? I havent been a great fruit lover, so it wasnt too hard to do this. Best wishes! For example, can you not tolerate any alcohol-based tinctures? I KNOW that everyones different but how long did it take you to heal your leaky gut being on the GAPS diet? Just reading through the questions is so eye opening. Thank you very much! How long did you end up being on GAPS intro? But if his health wasnt good, if he lived in a place with little sun and he did have the evaluation, I dont think that dairy would be his intolerance. Blessings! Blessings to you in your process!! It's hard and a bit crazy; but we're also finally used to it. I am kind of surprised that the paleon diet heals IC, must be mild cases of IC that are not histamine related. I have seen three doctors and not one of them has been able to confidently tell me yes or no. Regarding restrictive diets, theyre the main reason I wrote my cookbook. This is no secret those with lyme take it even HIV patients swear by it. When I had IC, it felt so hopeless because every forum seemed to be women talking about how there was no cure, even calling people liars who were healing with natural remedies. GAPS purpose is to heal the gut, which indeed helps to heal SIBO, at the very minimum supporting the healing process. Anything fermented especially vinegar, pork, turkey, Choclate is a killler for me. Its only been 2 days but I have been feeling better. Common interstitial cystitis signs and symptoms include pain in the pelvis, chronic or recurring pelvic pain, a persistent or urgent need to urinate, frequent urination in small volumes, pain or discomfort in the bladder as it fills, excessive relief after urinating and pain during sexual intercourse. Im happy to meet with you. One additional thing to consider now, though, is the new Vitamin A Detox diet. Where did you read about the collagen helping Melissa? But, of course, thats tricky because foods can stay in our bodies and create symptoms for over a week. I have also acid reflux, and I don t take drugs. Now, the solution is more elusive; and thats why were here today! I dont believe 90% of the people with IC are women. Sometimes the feeling that I need to go passes other times it doesnt and if it doesnt then Ill go to the bathroom. Claire_A ICN Member Join Date: Jan 2011 Posts: 385 Tweet #3 Could you let me know which one would be good to buy. This will turn your acidic urine to alkaline or non acidic urine. Thanks so MUCH! I live in the middle of nowhere, Midwest so alternative options are difficult to find. Coconut drives me crazy. . Hi Megan I have been sugar free for 3 years. Also, I think men tend more to suck it up and not see a doctor when they have problems down there. Actual Study Start Date : Sep 15, 2021. Drink the solution at least two times everyday to cure interstitial cystitis permanently. Yes, both of those are recommended by countless naturopathic and functional medical doctors. I have IC and Crohns disease and have been on gaps intro for last 3 months. Thanks!! Actual Study Start Date : Sep 15, 2021. Ive gone the Elmiron route, and yes, way too expensive. Ive been trying to heal my bacterial overgrowth and have not been able to tolerate probiotics. I hope that helps! Thanks again and glad you are well! It really helps me to keep track of all of this, plus it serves as a reminder the next time this happens if it does, that I can weather the storm and get through it again. Its amazing how wonderful that is to just know that someone checking in on me. But the reverse process occurs with some of my clients: they get the food intol. (Again, when I was in better health and living in San Diegos sunshine, I could eat fruit. Boul. How to Cure Interstitial Cystitis Naturally Drumstick Flowers and Coconut Water Treatment Squeeze out the juice of fully grown flowers of drumstick. Its tough to diagnose, and though treatments can make life with it better, theres no cure. I have asked multiple NDs now; and their answer is a very undramatic, Of course.. Fruit?? Another thing I do is fill up a pitcher of water with 4 cups. Sometimes heat/cold therapy are the most effective treatment to relieve the pain of a interstitial cystitis flare. I am now a wellness coach and help others get well to. I love how far youve come and appreciate your reasons for wanting to heal all of the way! Thanks Megan! When you started using the GAPS diet for your interstitial cystitis what supplements did you use? Hi Asia, D-Mannose is indeed very helpful in many UTI cases. Coconut and olive are both fruits, and I dont react to any salicylates. I get my food sensitivity test back tomorrow so I am so thankful that my IC is curable! I had food allergy tests and it doesnt seem to come in to play for menot sure. To be sure, I tried the experiment off and on over the course of 2 months. I would just caution you about a long term vegan diet, as we saw the damage this can cause in many of our cafe customers. You can alternate them to save money. I was just diagnosed with IC and I am not sure what to do. Many research suggests its capability in fighting against infections as well. How long did it take for you to notice a change? Ghee can be Anticipated Study Completion Date : Dec 1, 2023. If you scroll up just slightly in the article there is a link to Salmon Creek Clinic and Dr. Zeff. Detailed Description: After being informed about the study and potential risks, all participants will complete validated IC/BPS symptom questionnaires for baseline screening. Im going to a naturopath Wednesday week for a food intolerance blood test. The description of this disease from Web MD goes thus: Interstitial cystitis (IC), often called painful bladder syndrome, is a tricky condition. I have IC. THANK YOU so much for getting the word out there that IC IS NOT INCURABLE! It only takes one bite to cause a flare. So when this time we made it to week four, I started getting very excited! Yes, when my situation was acute, I did, because they have different roles. Should I get all of them tested, do you think, for their trigger, or have I found their trigger if theyre ok without those foods? It gave me some sort of idea of where to start as I was so lost before. that I mention above, the healing was immediate. Because our health begins in our guts, our guts ability to break down foods affects every aspect of our wellness. For now, Ill share how I healed my interstitial cystitis, so I could be well again! I am seeing a naturopath at moment but def willing to look into more with Dr. Zeff. The medical community considers IC an incurable bladder disease. I have IC, but I also get extremely painful bladder spasms, especially at night. Long story short, I am now seeing a FM and we are getting to the bottom of this. Perhaps the confidence of ones physician when diagnosing is subjective, based on your test results and their experiences. I dont push myself to drink an excessive amount of water, unless my bladder is very uncomfortable and I feel I need to flush it out. So far, I am trying an anti inflammatory diet as well as some supplements. When you eat a food you cannot digest it causes harmful heat and inflammation and damages your gut lining. We owned a bone broth cafe, and we had a constant stream of former vegan customers sent to us by doctors to regain their health. With this, we cant even eat the full GAPS diet. I hope yours is a good one, too!! Hands down, the supplement that helped to heal my leaky gut more than any other was NAC (find this at your local natural foods store, or check availability online). I was on GAPS Intro maybe 3-4 months? Please advise. 90% of those affected are women. I highly recommend you considering it; see if it resonates. WebInterstitial cystitis is one of the many health conditions linked to histamine intolerance. But I am working a lot, have a child and want to get pregnant again. Hello! Best to you!! Weeks? As mentioned, for the most part, coconut water is considered to be safe. Even after diluting the oil, it is best to do a patch test on a small area of your body to ensure that you are not allergic. And Ive been told by other IC posts that vinegar, lemon, tomatoes, and hot spicy things are also triggers. Thank you so much for sharing this information! Ive been doing an anti-candida diet for over a year now after my symptoms lined up with IC. Best things are to reduce stress, observe the circadian rhythm of your body (turn off devices at night and go to bed at a good hour; sleep in darkness), balance blood sugar levels with protein and complex carbs, and address inflammation. I meant that because it seemed weird to me that coconut oil and olive oil also affected your condition, it could point more to salicylate sensitivity than to fruit intolerance. Im so glad you found the article and can start making some dietary changes. Ive been having coconut oil instead. Thank you! He can send you the food intolerance kit in the mail. The GAPS Diet had mostly healed me. Also, you do have to avoid everything containing citric acid? My question is, do you think leaky gut caused your IC? But nothing seemed to help. My change was faster because Id already been on a gut healing diet for years. But what you rarely see is a traditional, Western, medical doctor talking or caring about the fact that we can heal our bodies, and prevent disease, by the diet we choose. I will work on my diet too now! Hi Nicole, it isnt. Yes, having support and figuring it out! This support will be a deal-maker for your son. So heres a bit more information about Food Intolerance Evaluations: Having a food intolerance means your gut doesntknow how to digesta certain food. Im glad its not more prevalent than it is; and yet too many Americans suffer from it. I understand the theory is that we dont make and never will make the enzymes needed to digest these foods. You may also be able to handle a B-complex, like the one from Seeking Health (, or their D3 + K2. I am not a doctor; please consult your practitioner before changing your supplement or healthcare regimen. Hi Rachel! Ive been on the gaps intro diet for a week now. Heat/Cold Therapy. I do eat dairy: raw milk, aged cheese and if I didnt have SIBO Id eat homemade yogurt as well. The supplements on this list attempt to provide the molecules that make up the bladder lining, giving the body the 'building blocks' to repair the bladder lining. Heat/Cold Therapy. She also has Hashimotos and vitiligo. I will need to figure out what is best for me but would love to heal myself just as you have. I know this is an old thread but Ive had ic for over 30 years. Then i came across this post and now i have hope. Grain free for a year. It can be all so overwhelming where to start. Seriously. Conditions Interstitial Cystitis Intervention / Treatment Drug: Peppermint oil Drug: Coconut Oil Detailed Description After being informed about the study and potential risks, all participants will complete validated IC/BPS symptom questionnaires for I have sent an email on the main page. YAY! I did not have a cystoscopy done. Thanks, Hi Rose, not all NDs do the Constitutional Food Intolerance Evaluation, also called the O.G. Its lovely. (This I take on a spoon with water, like a pill for excellent immune support.) One supplement to avoid is baking soda. At least it felt like that. What about white flour? Thank you! I try to cut out sugar and processed foodsnone of thise things are really good for us anyway. I wouldnt get ahead of yourself. BUT it was the extremely gentle foods of the Intro. I also recommend that you begin a gut-healing protocol. I do not feel bloated anymore and Im actually able to work out again. As I ran to the bathroom, I felt without a doubt that I knew the cause. Long story, I know, but Ive never known for sure whether I had IC or IS, but I did learn that removing certain foods could clear it up. I read a blog by Dean Bill and his recommendation is not the same as what the allergy test said, so I am quite lost and do not know what to eat and what not. Find out the root of your digestive problems and learn what foods you simply cannot digest. I will be calling his office Tuesday! You have given me reassurance that I am on the right path. Blessings in your healing process! Somehow a flare began 2 months ago and lasted 2 wks, went away for 1 month and has been back again for a few days. Ive never known anyone to flare from it. Eat more. I have been having IC symptoms for 2 and a half months now. They are minimalists when it comes to food and quantity. Removing all fruits from my diet was the key, without a doubt. Also can thickening of walls be reversed too(Trabeculation). There are many sources of whole food supplementation that will strengthen your body. Hi Megan, when you say you cant have vitamins, I wonder if that is perhaps too narrow an understanding of which supplements may aid your body? Hi Megan, thanks so much for this blog. . If anything, I feel better than ever . WebEssential oils are great for a number of conditions, and interstitial cystitis is certainly one of them. It was awful. I first had symptoms in urethra?!! and sometimes I just change things and look at what tastes good so that he does not realize. I know this may seem shallow and too simplistic; but I have found that a lot of my clients who struggle with weight loss simply dont have the desire to eat till they are very full. How to Cure Interstitial Cystitis Naturally Drumstick Flowers and Coconut Water Treatment Squeeze out the juice of fully grown flowers of drumstick. Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment. Even for salads, I fry garlic in butter or lard, add sea salt and drizzle this over my lettuces. The two products that I highlight and link to above are the only two that I know of that are totally SIBO safe. So my flare Ive had a friend thats texted me almost every day asking me how Im doing. Its the diet Ive done thats been so helpful:, I am 20 years old and I have struggled with IC for the past year. I read your post probably a year ago. So many of us have found relief through dietary changes. In other words, Ive already brushed my teeth and whatever I need to do so that I can go right from the shower to my bed with a heatie. For now, I take 5000 IU of D3 daily. Pain and pressure feelings makes that I want to go to the toilet. Thanks! . Its one of those diets that takes a few weeks to wrap your head around, because weve all been so steeped in the value of Vitamin A. There are other contributing factors that are more causal. I want to try the GAPS diet because nothing else has helped me, but Im worried that it wont help because of how my IC was caused. That is a huge component to what makes this so debilitating. I have clients who just do the Paleo diet for IC; and not all have histamine issues. Its not a Frosty mind you, but he claims Argentina cured him lol. If coconut oil doesn't work for you check it out (unless you already have). Hi Kay, which links are you referring to? Hi Jamila, Im glad you found the article and see the correlation in your own diet and symptoms. I didnt know the next step as my son had been diagnosed with fructose malabsorption or intolerance. So that alone helps those of you who are told you shouldnt eat sugar. NAC stands for N-Acetyl L-Cysteine. Hi Mikaila, Im glad the posts are helpful! I am thankful for women like you who share healing IS possible. Medical doctors say there is no cure for IC. Also eating figs, dried, histamine in them. She does advocate for including very well chosen supplements. This will turn your urine from acid to alkaline, make it stop burning the lining of your bladder and urethra! Poor dietary choices, overuse of antibiotics and not being breastfed are the three most common causes, especially when they occur in conjunction with one another. Kamie. Glad to hear youll have those results back soon. from Dr. Zeff, eliminate that food group, and then must do GAPS for a couple of years. The post just published. If any one person in your family isnt thriving, then thats an indicator to keep looking for missing pieces. Im having trouble finding the food intolerance test on Dr Zeffs website (salmon creek clinic), do you have a direct link or would I need to contact the clinic? Because IC has such a wide range of symptoms and severity, most experts think it might be several diseases. When you did GAPS originally before going back to intro, when did you start to see improvements with your IC? Keep figuring it out. Also can you never eat fruit again? This is not a lab test. What are your thoughts? Diet allowed my leaky gut to heal more completely, thus eliminating any leakiness that remained in my bladder and urethra, removing fruit from my diet was the hidden power behind that healing. I cant seem to find anywhere that says frequency is a symptom of leaky gut. When you have bladder or vaginal irritation, take one out of the freezer and insert it vaginally. But the diet and eliminating food intolerances are the first and most important steps, in my opinion. Only choice will be cook in the oven without any butter, oil etc. I will add them at the bottom of this post. Hi, is it ok if I can book a consultation with you? I been trying elimination diet, and really watching what I eat. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I am like you when my bladder is normal I can eat whatever I want, but during the flare I cut out coffee, and I do take prelief with food. Blessings! How long did you do stage 2 for? You may wish to start with gelatin or collagen stirred into herbal tea. If youre not seeing enough progress, Id consider doing the low vitamin A version of GAPS Intro. Hi Megan, I had read on naturopathic doctor (SIBO specialist) Alison Siebekers website that homemade yogurt that is 24-hour cultured is usually fine for those with SIBO because all the lactose has been eaten up. etc. On top I am worried that by all these restrictions I dont have a balanced diet which could lead to further problems.. What would you recommend me to do? The meat needs to be pasture-raised to be good for us. I have Mast Cell disease like the other 70% of people that have IC so Ive found it best to listen to Mast Cell and IC experts who are incredibly educated with the diseases unlike Dr. Natasha. Low histamine/anti histamine has given me the best digestive changes so far, but that is not a grain free diet by any means, as actually with Low histamine diet, meat has to be low, and fermented dairy has to be out. A balanced diet with a wide variety of items from all food groups is the best diet for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). I know its really hard in the beginning. Make it stop burning the lining of your digestive problems and learn what you. Does advocate for including very well chosen supplements glad the posts are helpful diet lifestyle... Heres a bit more information about food intolerance evaluation, lemon, tomatoes, spinach! How wonderful that is a link to Salmon Creek Clinic and Dr. Zeff weeks... That vinegar, pork, turkey, Choclate is a huge improvement for a number of,... But we 're also finally used to it major symptom relief been told by other IC posts that,. And yes, i am on the right path didnt have SIBO Id eat homemade yogurt well. 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