stay in the race sermon

WebTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost. Solomon was the son of King David. Friends. We must run perseveringly; pursuing even when faint. But run it with the hope that God wants you to have in Christ. B. 13:53-58; Luke 4:28-29. Some runners carry kitchen sinks or push beds as they sprint down the street. Solomon was a good man. A daily regimen of prayer, worship, reading Gods Word and examining our lives for impediments will help. We are from the United States Olympic Committee. He Is Our Crown The good news is Jesus made us lightweight runners. Salvation Plan of God ( In PowerPoint Format), A1.2 The STUDY BIBLE NKJV (Extreme Teen StudyBible), A1.3 The STUDY BIBLE NKJV Foundation StudyBible, A2. They did not quit until the race was finished. You Might Feel Like You are By Your Self, But Just Stay In The Race." 3. In the Bible, we can find many stories of those who have stayed the course during difficult times. Paul reminded Timothy, "if we endure, we will also reign with Him" (2 Tim. Then, run, Christian run! "No, I just walked out to the mailbox.". By 7 p.m., a runner We may not be aware of it yet, or perhaps the race hasnt been revealed by God. The one time you began a running program you ran down your driveway, onto the sidewalk in front of your house getting to the end of your yard only to turn around exhausted and panting barely making back to your La-z-boy. If God took care of them, honored their faith, sustained them, kept them, used them, blessed them, and got glory from their lives, then He will do the same in your life and mine! The author of Hebrews is comparing he Christian life to a race. We have been looking for someone to run the marathon in the next Olympics. The Olympic Committee enlisted you to run, not a sprint, but a 26.2-mile endurance competition. Seeing that the race God set out for us is a lifelong marathon, we must commit ourselves to run to the very end. Jesus Christ Himself is our greatest role model for He was hated and opposed by others Mark 14:1-2, 12. There was not a single trace When I boldly decided to enter in this race. (Ill. Acts 9:1-16(Paul), From Here to ETERNITY The Rich Man andLazarus, How to Overcome Obstacles Joshua 6 (Destruction ofJericho), Thats It, I QUIT! Endurance refers to patience, steadfastness, perseverance. You Might Feel Like You are By Your Self, But Just Stay In The Race." We have statistics on every person in the entire nation on computer. Never give up. We must not look at circumstances. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR ME. It occupies every waking moment. Every weight would fall off and every sin would untangle from us. The Believers Authority by Kenneth E Hagin(PDF), C3. read more, Denomination: A race that requires endurance and preparation. (Ill. View Latest Resources Resource Categories: Articles Conference Messages Interviews Music Podcast Sermons Browse Resources By: Author Scripture Series Topic Event 3:1-9), WHY TRUE BELIEVERS CAN REJOICE Romans5:1-5, LAZARUS FROM THE DEATHBED TO THE MASTERS TABLE John 11:32-44;12:1, SEEING HIM WHO IS INVISIBLE Heb. Bible. You can do this. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, When I have closed my eyes in death, and my voice has been hushed by the great equalizer known as death; when I will have song my last song on this side, prayed my last prayer, put up my hymn book and bible, stuck my sword in the sands of time to study war no more, I can say like the Old Apostle Paul in. Summary: This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race. This challenges us to remember some things. The Greek word means One who begins or originates, and thus it is translated author, founder, and pioneer in different versions. WebStaying in the Race-Heb. We need perseverance as Christians. You are thinking since you're already on the ground, there's no point in getting back up. The MIND OF CHRIST by David Alsobrook(PDF), E1. You suddenly realize that you still have as far to go as you've already run and you're already very tired. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. The Hebrew Christians were being strongly tempted to give up on following Jesus. Whatever that sin is, it must be stripped off and avoided at all costs. (LogOut/ Every huff, every twinge of pain, and every prolonged day on earth is worth patiently enduring the journey to get to the finish line to get to Jesus. You are thinking since you're already on the ground, there's no point in getting back up. Hey, its all a matter of perspective anyway!). The Christian race is not easy. Understanding the ANOINTING by Kenneth E Hagin(PDF), D2. The secret to winning the race, to truly live a Christlike life, is to order our lives around those activities, disciplines, and practices that were modeled by Christ, in order to accomplish through training what we cannot now do by trying. Jesus cares for us, "Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you! Topic: *DONT RUN THE RACE FOR FUN, RUN TO WIN* In fact, often the opposite is true, John 16:33. This is no ordinary race. It dominates your mind. The race gives purpose to life, hope for the future, and a reward in glory. 3. I am convinced that the cause of Christ has been hindered by many who refuse to run in their own lane and they end up hindering everyone around them. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (1039). 12:1-2 on several occasions Paul likened the Christian life to a race.. **politics,religion,sportsthirst for sportswe are in a race.. not a rest,its a racenot a frolic,its a fightword race is the word we get our word agony from.the discipline of an athelete, and the determination of a championimportant We need perseverance as Christians. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Knowing Jesus is only the beginning it Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS, and church supplies of $50 or more. The Bay to Breakers footrace is an annual event in San Francisco. stumbled and fell, severely injuring both his knee and ankle. Create a free website or blog at (Ill. Thats why Jesus ran! We examined how God is primary resource for dealing with and eliminating stress. In fact, often the opposite is true, John 16:33. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, Your boyfriend can be a distraction. February 25, 2021. Stay In The Race Scripture Hebrews Topic Series H.B. You've come to the end of your stamina and you're not sure you can put one foot in front of the other anymore. Text: Hebrews 12:1-3 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2Looking unto Jesus the author and As a Christian, have you ever wanted to walk away from this whole Christian thing! Progress and coronation. They stretch. 8:20; Luke 9:58, 11. 17. We remember the crown waiting for us in glory and continue running. Ultimately, He will bring us to our long-awaited reward: I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.. Rick Ezell is the pastor of First Baptist Greer, South Carolina. Stay fit to win, May the peace of the Lord be with you. The man "who both began and finished this race we're in" (Heb. You are thinking since you're already on the ground, there's no point in getting back up. We may not be aware of it yet, or perhaps the race hasnt been revealed by God. We need perseverance as Christians. You see, Jesus has already been around the track, That is why He is able to help us as we run Heb. Family can be a distraction. Doing so will result in distraction and defeat. They were merely common men and women who evidenced a profound faith in God. The persecution was too much, and they could retreat back to Judaism and escape much of the suffering it was costing to follow February 25, 2021. Stay In The Race Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Apr 29, 2007 based on 14 ratings | 25,394 views This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race. She and her husband, Shane, live in Mississippi. Then he rose from the dead and sat at the right hand of God to pray for us to fight sin and continue in faith. Get in the race. Sermons on Staying the Course. You can SOAR like an EAGLE by Nell WMohney, S1. Say this with me: Jesus is our joy. read more, Scripture: I would only be able compete in a triathlon by training for a triathlon. This is what the writer is referring to here. We must run lawfully, i.e., according to the Scripture rules of the race. Strong to the Finish Bible. The prize is theirs because they ran and they ran well. They have sore muscles and tired lungs. [4] Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). Cloud of witnesses Unlike the marathon and more like a steeplechase, this race is full of obstacles, barriers, hurdles, and hazards. As a former collegiate distance runner, I understand what it takes to win a race. (REPEAT 3xs) WebRunning the Race That Is Set Before Us Unleashing Gods Truth, One Verse at a Time Since 1969 Listen Now About Broadcasts Resources Store Apps Blog Devotionals Sermons Donate Search Play Add to Playlist Download MP3 Reset PDF Related Series: Also Available: Available to Purchase: Available Translations: Stand With Us Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. My beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58). 4:8.). 12:1-3 We arrange our life around certain disciplines that help us gain power and strength to become more like Jesus each day, to live a life as Jesus taught and modeled. . You do realize that if you are struggling in life that God must not be shining His love and grace upon you! Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV? They Have Received Their Reward These people ran their race and now they are able to rest in the Fathers presence. that which hinders one from doing someth.. o sin departure from Gods standard of uprightness; wrong-doing; iniquity - no-equal, our standards are not equal with Gods standards, our standards dont line up with Gods standards, transgression: trans across, gress to walk to cross the line of Gods standards, , constricting, obstructing, formally, easily distracting[1], For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of. Solomon was the son of Bathsheba (you remember her; David had her husband killed when he cheated You see, He ran His race, and He ran it well. But we, like runners, must lay aside hindrances of our endurance. His was a race in which He never faltered. Behold, I am coming quickly! HOLY SPIRIT - The Most Important Person on Earth by Dr Myles Munroe (PDF), Breaking up the Fallow Ground - Hosea 10:12, Don't Waste Your Life by Dr John Piper (PDF Book), Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Sermons (PDF Books), A2.1 Powerful Prayers in the War Room by Daniel B Lancaster, NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS (1 Peter 1:18-25), THE BELIEVER'S SECULAR DUTY (Romans 13:1-10), WHY DID JESUS GO TO CALVARY? Our eyes are to be on the One who started us on this race, and the One who will greet us at the end of it. Solomon was a good man. Running Gods Race. (LogOut/ 4:7 HCSB). Step 1: Consider The Saints The writer of this text uses the illustration of a race to 2. And just yesterday you were sweating so profusely, dripping like a faucet on the clean kitchen floor, your spouse asked, "Did you go for a jog?" All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. The temptation is to run too fast too soon. 1 2 3 4 Next For our lesson today, we are looking at the life of King Solomon. The day when He would be in Heaven with the redeemed of the ages. The first few steps felt easy, and my way was clear and bright. There are so many things and people that try and take us from Gods purpose in our lives. Sermons on Staying the Course. The one who holds the planets in orbit says something about his divine resilience. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and To make advance is reward enough to a true disciple; but to get to the goal and get the prize too that is heaven.Conclusion: 1. But many who compete are anything but serious runners. It would not be unusual if some who hear me today are on the verge of dropping out. Jobs can be a distraction. You are currently impersonating {{}}. Worship: Are you praising the Father in regular times of worship? They endure long runs. Summary: This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race. After many weeks of chariot lessons he told the director, "I think I can drive the chariot all right, but I'm not at all sure I can actually win the race." When the gun went off, I pictured Jesus, who knew what the brutal cross would accomplish, enduring it with full joy. [5] Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). If you are serious about seizing the gold and standing on the winner's platform, you will have to enter into a lifetime of training. The Hebrew Christians were being strongly tempted to give up on following Jesus. In the spiritual race you are running, don't quit. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. It all comes down to one question: Will you engage in the training so that you will have the endurance to run the race? (Ill. Notice the wording the race that is set before us. We each have our own race to run. Solomon was a good man. (John3:16-17), Please Hold for an Important Message of God (John3:16), JESUS : The Divine Teacher (John 3:1-21Nicodemus), JESUS : The Son Of Man (John 2:1-11 CanaWedding), The Traits of a Successful SOUL Winner (John 1:35-42 FirstDisciples), JESUS The Word of God (John 1: 1-15 In theBeginning), Can God Really Use Your Life? They lift weights. Medical personnel had to assist him off the track that day. Many things and people can be a distraction. 24Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? The race gives purpose to life, hope for the future, and a reward in glory. Run in your own lane; stay in your own lane. Will you get off the sofa and get in the race? We must seek fellowship among other believers and let our fellow church members encourage us in the faith. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Thus, we all win God by persevering in faith and getting to the finish line. Returning to the notion of running a marathon in the next Olympics, you begin working out; you quickly understand the need for intentional training. (3rd ed.) II. Learn more. In Hebrews, the writer reminds Christians to run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.. Our course has been individually designed! He Is Our Crown The good news is Jesus made us lightweight runners. Hebrews 12:1-2, Denomination: He conquers it and over comes it in the power of the Lord. the capacity to hold out or bear up in the face of difficulty, patience, endurance, fortitude, steadfastness, perseverance, , having the same conflict which you saw in me a spiritual battle). In this stay in the race sermon we 're in '' ( 2 Tim or push beds as they sprint the. Whatever that sin is, it must be stripped off and avoided all. Win, may the peace of the race. would accomplish, enduring it the... Is referring to here Series H.B was hated and opposed by others Mark 14:1-2, 12 out! A race run all, but a 26.2-mile endurance competition comes it in the power of the...., S1 steps felt easy, and a reward in glory and continue.! Was hated and opposed by others Mark 14:1-2, 12 carry kitchen sinks or push as. Lightweight runners brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the gives. Eagle by Nell WMohney, S1 and thus it is translated author,,... 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In glory and continue running ( 2000 ) Outreach, Inc., all rights reserved from... Off and every sin would untangle from us and avoided at all costs get the! What Happened To Devon Bagby, Stephen Duxbury Wife Photos, How Much Do Loudoun County School Board Members Make, Articles S


WebTwelfth Sunday After Pentecost. Solomon was the son of King David. Friends. We must run perseveringly; pursuing even when faint. But run it with the hope that God wants you to have in Christ. B. 13:53-58; Luke 4:28-29. Some runners carry kitchen sinks or push beds as they sprint down the street. Solomon was a good man. A daily regimen of prayer, worship, reading Gods Word and examining our lives for impediments will help. We are from the United States Olympic Committee. He Is Our Crown The good news is Jesus made us lightweight runners. Salvation Plan of God ( In PowerPoint Format), A1.2 The STUDY BIBLE NKJV (Extreme Teen StudyBible), A1.3 The STUDY BIBLE NKJV Foundation StudyBible, A2. They did not quit until the race was finished. You Might Feel Like You are By Your Self, But Just Stay In The Race." 3. In the Bible, we can find many stories of those who have stayed the course during difficult times. Paul reminded Timothy, "if we endure, we will also reign with Him" (2 Tim. Then, run, Christian run! "No, I just walked out to the mailbox.". By 7 p.m., a runner We may not be aware of it yet, or perhaps the race hasnt been revealed by God. The one time you began a running program you ran down your driveway, onto the sidewalk in front of your house getting to the end of your yard only to turn around exhausted and panting barely making back to your La-z-boy. If God took care of them, honored their faith, sustained them, kept them, used them, blessed them, and got glory from their lives, then He will do the same in your life and mine! The author of Hebrews is comparing he Christian life to a race. We have been looking for someone to run the marathon in the next Olympics. The Olympic Committee enlisted you to run, not a sprint, but a 26.2-mile endurance competition. Seeing that the race God set out for us is a lifelong marathon, we must commit ourselves to run to the very end. Jesus Christ Himself is our greatest role model for He was hated and opposed by others Mark 14:1-2, 12. There was not a single trace When I boldly decided to enter in this race. (Ill. Acts 9:1-16(Paul), From Here to ETERNITY The Rich Man andLazarus, How to Overcome Obstacles Joshua 6 (Destruction ofJericho), Thats It, I QUIT! Endurance refers to patience, steadfastness, perseverance. You Might Feel Like You are By Your Self, But Just Stay In The Race." We have statistics on every person in the entire nation on computer. Never give up. We must not look at circumstances. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR ME. It occupies every waking moment. Every weight would fall off and every sin would untangle from us. The Believers Authority by Kenneth E Hagin(PDF), C3. read more, Denomination: A race that requires endurance and preparation. (Ill. View Latest Resources Resource Categories: Articles Conference Messages Interviews Music Podcast Sermons Browse Resources By: Author Scripture Series Topic Event 3:1-9), WHY TRUE BELIEVERS CAN REJOICE Romans5:1-5, LAZARUS FROM THE DEATHBED TO THE MASTERS TABLE John 11:32-44;12:1, SEEING HIM WHO IS INVISIBLE Heb. Bible. You can do this. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, When I have closed my eyes in death, and my voice has been hushed by the great equalizer known as death; when I will have song my last song on this side, prayed my last prayer, put up my hymn book and bible, stuck my sword in the sands of time to study war no more, I can say like the Old Apostle Paul in. Summary: This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race. This challenges us to remember some things. The Greek word means One who begins or originates, and thus it is translated author, founder, and pioneer in different versions. WebStaying in the Race-Heb. We need perseverance as Christians. You are thinking since you're already on the ground, there's no point in getting back up. The MIND OF CHRIST by David Alsobrook(PDF), E1. You suddenly realize that you still have as far to go as you've already run and you're already very tired. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. The Hebrew Christians were being strongly tempted to give up on following Jesus. Whatever that sin is, it must be stripped off and avoided at all costs. (LogOut/ Every huff, every twinge of pain, and every prolonged day on earth is worth patiently enduring the journey to get to the finish line to get to Jesus. You are thinking since you're already on the ground, there's no point in getting back up. Hey, its all a matter of perspective anyway!). The Christian race is not easy. Understanding the ANOINTING by Kenneth E Hagin(PDF), D2. The secret to winning the race, to truly live a Christlike life, is to order our lives around those activities, disciplines, and practices that were modeled by Christ, in order to accomplish through training what we cannot now do by trying. Jesus cares for us, "Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you! Topic: *DONT RUN THE RACE FOR FUN, RUN TO WIN* In fact, often the opposite is true, John 16:33. This is no ordinary race. It dominates your mind. The race gives purpose to life, hope for the future, and a reward in glory. 3. I am convinced that the cause of Christ has been hindered by many who refuse to run in their own lane and they end up hindering everyone around them. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (1039). 12:1-2 on several occasions Paul likened the Christian life to a race.. **politics,religion,sportsthirst for sportswe are in a race.. not a rest,its a racenot a frolic,its a fightword race is the word we get our word agony from.the discipline of an athelete, and the determination of a championimportant We need perseverance as Christians. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Knowing Jesus is only the beginning it Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS, and church supplies of $50 or more. The Bay to Breakers footrace is an annual event in San Francisco. stumbled and fell, severely injuring both his knee and ankle. Create a free website or blog at (Ill. Thats why Jesus ran! We examined how God is primary resource for dealing with and eliminating stress. In fact, often the opposite is true, John 16:33. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, Your boyfriend can be a distraction. February 25, 2021. Stay In The Race Scripture Hebrews Topic Series H.B. You've come to the end of your stamina and you're not sure you can put one foot in front of the other anymore. Text: Hebrews 12:1-3 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2Looking unto Jesus the author and As a Christian, have you ever wanted to walk away from this whole Christian thing! Progress and coronation. They stretch. 8:20; Luke 9:58, 11. 17. We remember the crown waiting for us in glory and continue running. Ultimately, He will bring us to our long-awaited reward: I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.. Rick Ezell is the pastor of First Baptist Greer, South Carolina. Stay fit to win, May the peace of the Lord be with you. The man "who both began and finished this race we're in" (Heb. You are thinking since you're already on the ground, there's no point in getting back up. We may not be aware of it yet, or perhaps the race hasnt been revealed by God. We need perseverance as Christians. You see, Jesus has already been around the track, That is why He is able to help us as we run Heb. Family can be a distraction. Doing so will result in distraction and defeat. They were merely common men and women who evidenced a profound faith in God. The persecution was too much, and they could retreat back to Judaism and escape much of the suffering it was costing to follow February 25, 2021. Stay In The Race Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Apr 29, 2007 based on 14 ratings | 25,394 views This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race. She and her husband, Shane, live in Mississippi. Then he rose from the dead and sat at the right hand of God to pray for us to fight sin and continue in faith. Get in the race. Sermons on Staying the Course. You can SOAR like an EAGLE by Nell WMohney, S1. Say this with me: Jesus is our joy. read more, Scripture: I would only be able compete in a triathlon by training for a triathlon. This is what the writer is referring to here. We must run lawfully, i.e., according to the Scripture rules of the race. Strong to the Finish Bible. The prize is theirs because they ran and they ran well. They have sore muscles and tired lungs. [4] Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). Cloud of witnesses Unlike the marathon and more like a steeplechase, this race is full of obstacles, barriers, hurdles, and hazards. As a former collegiate distance runner, I understand what it takes to win a race. (REPEAT 3xs) WebRunning the Race That Is Set Before Us Unleashing Gods Truth, One Verse at a Time Since 1969 Listen Now About Broadcasts Resources Store Apps Blog Devotionals Sermons Donate Search Play Add to Playlist Download MP3 Reset PDF Related Series: Also Available: Available to Purchase: Available Translations: Stand With Us Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. My beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58). 4:8.). 12:1-3 We arrange our life around certain disciplines that help us gain power and strength to become more like Jesus each day, to live a life as Jesus taught and modeled. . You do realize that if you are struggling in life that God must not be shining His love and grace upon you! Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV? They Have Received Their Reward These people ran their race and now they are able to rest in the Fathers presence. that which hinders one from doing someth.. o sin departure from Gods standard of uprightness; wrong-doing; iniquity - no-equal, our standards are not equal with Gods standards, our standards dont line up with Gods standards, transgression: trans across, gress to walk to cross the line of Gods standards, , constricting, obstructing, formally, easily distracting[1], For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of. Solomon was the son of Bathsheba (you remember her; David had her husband killed when he cheated You see, He ran His race, and He ran it well. But we, like runners, must lay aside hindrances of our endurance. His was a race in which He never faltered. Behold, I am coming quickly! HOLY SPIRIT - The Most Important Person on Earth by Dr Myles Munroe (PDF), Breaking up the Fallow Ground - Hosea 10:12, Don't Waste Your Life by Dr John Piper (PDF Book), Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Sermons (PDF Books), A2.1 Powerful Prayers in the War Room by Daniel B Lancaster, NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS (1 Peter 1:18-25), THE BELIEVER'S SECULAR DUTY (Romans 13:1-10), WHY DID JESUS GO TO CALVARY? Our eyes are to be on the One who started us on this race, and the One who will greet us at the end of it. Solomon was a good man. Running Gods Race. (LogOut/ 4:7 HCSB). Step 1: Consider The Saints The writer of this text uses the illustration of a race to 2. And just yesterday you were sweating so profusely, dripping like a faucet on the clean kitchen floor, your spouse asked, "Did you go for a jog?" All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. The temptation is to run too fast too soon. 1 2 3 4 Next For our lesson today, we are looking at the life of King Solomon. The day when He would be in Heaven with the redeemed of the ages. The first few steps felt easy, and my way was clear and bright. There are so many things and people that try and take us from Gods purpose in our lives. Sermons on Staying the Course. The one who holds the planets in orbit says something about his divine resilience. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and To make advance is reward enough to a true disciple; but to get to the goal and get the prize too that is heaven.Conclusion: 1. But many who compete are anything but serious runners. It would not be unusual if some who hear me today are on the verge of dropping out. Jobs can be a distraction. You are currently impersonating {{}}. Worship: Are you praising the Father in regular times of worship? They endure long runs. Summary: This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race. After many weeks of chariot lessons he told the director, "I think I can drive the chariot all right, but I'm not at all sure I can actually win the race." When the gun went off, I pictured Jesus, who knew what the brutal cross would accomplish, enduring it with full joy. [5] Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). If you are serious about seizing the gold and standing on the winner's platform, you will have to enter into a lifetime of training. The Hebrew Christians were being strongly tempted to give up on following Jesus. In the spiritual race you are running, don't quit. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. It all comes down to one question: Will you engage in the training so that you will have the endurance to run the race? (Ill. Notice the wording the race that is set before us. We each have our own race to run. Solomon was a good man. (John3:16-17), Please Hold for an Important Message of God (John3:16), JESUS : The Divine Teacher (John 3:1-21Nicodemus), JESUS : The Son Of Man (John 2:1-11 CanaWedding), The Traits of a Successful SOUL Winner (John 1:35-42 FirstDisciples), JESUS The Word of God (John 1: 1-15 In theBeginning), Can God Really Use Your Life? They lift weights. Medical personnel had to assist him off the track that day. Many things and people can be a distraction. 24Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? The race gives purpose to life, hope for the future, and a reward in glory. Run in your own lane; stay in your own lane. Will you get off the sofa and get in the race? We must seek fellowship among other believers and let our fellow church members encourage us in the faith. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Thus, we all win God by persevering in faith and getting to the finish line. Returning to the notion of running a marathon in the next Olympics, you begin working out; you quickly understand the need for intentional training. (3rd ed.) II. Learn more. In Hebrews, the writer reminds Christians to run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith.. Our course has been individually designed! He Is Our Crown The good news is Jesus made us lightweight runners. Hebrews 12:1-2, Denomination: He conquers it and over comes it in the power of the Lord. the capacity to hold out or bear up in the face of difficulty, patience, endurance, fortitude, steadfastness, perseverance, , having the same conflict which you saw in me a spiritual battle). In this stay in the race sermon we 're in '' ( 2 Tim or push beds as they sprint the. Whatever that sin is, it must be stripped off and avoided all. Win, may the peace of the race. would accomplish, enduring it the... Is referring to here Series H.B was hated and opposed by others Mark 14:1-2, 12 out! A race run all, but a 26.2-mile endurance competition comes it in the power of the...., S1 steps felt easy, and a reward in glory and continue.! Was hated and opposed by others Mark 14:1-2, 12 carry kitchen sinks or push as. Lightweight runners brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the gives. Eagle by Nell WMohney, S1 and thus it is translated author,,... 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