yuri bezmenov interview

His most chilling point was that theres a long-term plan put in play by Russia to defeat America through psychological warfare and demoralization. Its a long game that takes decades to achieve but it may already be bearing fruit. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. They have to force their government and Im not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity I am talking about forcing the United States government to stop aiding communism because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet militaryindustrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. What the hell for should I defect? Im standing next to a famous Indian poet, Sumitranandan Pant. It turns out that this is also a front for the KGB. So it looks dull. 28]. Bezmenov provides several real world examples of how Marxist leaders even execute and/or imprison each other. 16]. Bezmenov claimed this generation was already contaminated by Marxist-Leninist values. Global Edition. Any revolution is a byproduct of a highly organized group of conscientious and professional organizers. yuri bezmenov in 1983 This picture was taken on that day, and you can see again how happy it feels to be recruited by the KGB [Fig. This is it. The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already. Thats why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: Never bother with leftists. I was a student. My father was he is on the left here [Fig. He had an outstanding career with Novosti, which was the and still is, I should say the press arm or the press agency of the Soviet Union. Mr. Bezmenov was a Soviet informant and KGB operative who defected to the United States in the early 70s. The facts tell nothing to him. 25]. In the interview, Bezmenov explained the methods used by the Soviet Union KGB for the gradual subversion of the political system of the United States. You can see it with your own eyes, he said. There were thousands of young American boys and girls with no shoes, long hair, smoking hash and marijuana, studying sometimes Indian philosophy, sometimes simply pretending that they studied. Indians themselves look up upon them as idiots, useful idiots, to say nothing about KGB, who looked at them as as as extremely naive, misguided people. One of my colleagues in the Soviet consulate in Calcutta when he was dead drunk, he ventured into the basement to relieve himself and he found big boxes which said, Printed Matter to Dhaka University. Dhaka is the capital of East Pakistan. He claimed to know details of a Soviet plan to undermine the U.S., not on the battlefield but in the psyche of the American public. The differences, of course, in the daily life are very various, depending on who or whom we are talking about. And thats the way I had to keep them permanently for the next fifteen or twenty days. They publish their memoirs in their prisons and get handsomely paid by your crazy publishers. Obviously a VIP, say a wife of a congressman or or a prominent Hollywood personality, after after being trained at that school is much more instrumental in the hands of manipulators of public opinion and KGB than a normal person who understands, who looks through this type of fake religious training. What kind of people get deported? And when he is coming back to his own country he is going for years and years to teach the beauties of Soviet socialism to newer and newer generations of his students, thus promoting the Soviet propaganda line. Soviet dissidents are chasing American correspondents in the streets, and they are cowardly escaping from these contacts. From under the nose of the KGB in Bombay Airport, I landed the plane and I flew to to Greece, where I was debriefed by the CIA. But my function was not actually to get enrolled in the school, my function was to discover what kind of people from United States attend this school. Most likely, if they come to power in my country, theyll be more sensible negotiators for nuclear disarmament and withdrawal of the Soviet troops from many parts of the world. He is disposable, whereby in the United States, even even the worst criminal is treated as a human being. What for? [Fig. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov ( Russian: ; December 11, 1939 - January 5, 1993; alias: Tomas David Schuman [1]) was a Soviet journalist for Novosti Press Agency (APN) and a former PGU KGB informant who defected to Canada . In my case, I hated that girl so much that the moment I landed in Moscow we were divorced and I married later a second time. It kills. Never mind. 22]. Therefore, you can see perfectly well the senior colleague of mine on the left doesnt really have that much respect on his face. At a certain point in time I had to withdraw alcohol from them so that some of them who are the most recruitable would feel a little bit shaky, guilty, trying to remember what they were talking about last night. This picture was printed in a Canadian government publication by mistake. Interview with Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KGB) by Edward Griffin - 1984. yuri bezmenov demoralisation And in response to the intimidations, I said, Look, this is a free country and I am as free as you are. This in part has contributed to a renewed interest in both Bezmenov's work and lectures. Whats more if people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States, adding, You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.. Most of the Mukti Fauj leaders Mukti Fauj in Bengali means Peoples Army, same as SWAPO and all kinds of liberation armies all over the world, the same bunch of useful idiots they were trained that Lumumba University and various centers of the KGB in Simferopol, in Crimea, and in Tashkent. This is the worst thing. 5], Im trying to learn how to play an Indian musical instrument. Well, when did you finally make it to the United States? They were the cliches which the Soviet propaganda wants American public to think that they think, if it does make any sense at all. If we are talking about capitalists or wealthy businessmen, I think they are selling the rope on which they will hang very soon. He was educated in the elite schools inside the Soviet Union and he became an expert in Indian culture and Indian languages. yuri bezmenov brainwashing yuri_bezmenov_all_interviews_lectures_hq_1983_1984, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRqiJSEj5UY, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The first stage is called demoralization which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. Normalization is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda. I studied carefully where they congregate, what routes they travel, what language they speak, what they smoke. Its hard not to see in that the state of many modern Americans. They pretended that they are actually being guests of VIP intellectuals, that they are treated according to their merits and their intellectual abilities. Yuri Bezmenov - Ideological Subversion. According to my opinion, and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15 percent of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. This is a better picture which reflects the true spirit of the Soviet childhood [Fig. They would say something like, Please cross the street carefully because, you know, traffic is very heavy in Quebec. And fortunately, I know about the psychology and the logic of activity of the KGB, and I never allowed myself to be intimidated. First of all, because defecting in India is virtually impossible thanks to very strong pressure from the Soviet government. Whatever Bezmenov saw in the destabilized American society of the early 1980s with respect to the Soviet Union, it's easy to see how the American Left has destabilized entire segments of modern society after demoralizing them. They will go back home and write the reports: We were present at a regular Soviet wedding. They were not present at a regular Soviet wedding. Pakistan selling weapons to Ukraine sounds like a psyop to undermine Pakistani and Russian relations. According to the former KGB agent, that is the minimum number of years it takes to re-educate one generation of students that is normally exposed to the ideology of its country in other words, the time it takes to change what the people are thinking. Aim higher. This was my instruction. And hell tell us a little bit about how they did this and how they planted information which eventually wound up in the press of the free world. And it was the occasion was commissioning of the refinery complex in Bihar, Barauni. On that level they were successful. The third stage would be crisis. It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis, explained Bezmenov. 14]. Yet they stubbornly resist the word of truth. Those who refused the Soviet influence in their own country would be character-assassinated or executed physically come revolution. Unknown yuri bezmenov documentary 33]. yuri bezmenov family These were not opinions. yuri bezmenov full interview & lecture - hq But eventually I did it. Yes, this is a collection of slides, which are some of them are snapshots from my family album, some of them are documents which I smuggled from the Soviet embassy, and some are reproductions from local mass media. Most of the Soviet citizens look at this type of monument with disgust and sorrow because every family lost a father, brother, sister or child in the Second World War. Right. Yuri Bezmenov's father, pictured on left, was a Soviet general loyal to Stalin before, during, and after World War II. The KGB, of course, knew it and the CIA knew it. yuri bezmenov brainwash nation Thats interesting. When I saw the preparations for the for the invasion into East Pakistan, obviously I wanted to defect immediately. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet Army officer. You can see me here in Kremlin Im second on the left with a group of Pakistani and Indian intellectuals [Fig. They claim that they are experts on my country. What he did not understand, or maybe he pretended not to understand, was that actually he was being taken for a ride. Now, the viewers will be able to see these slides as we talk about them. I know that the most dangerous part of the Soviet power structures are not military at all. I could not trust anyone. And things, due to some strange logic, due to cosmic vibration, will settle down by themselves. Someone who is never fired from from the service, who stays they internally. You can see me here with a group of students during one of the war games near Moscow. Yuri Bezmenov worked as a "journalist" for Novosti Press Agency, which was a disinformation and propaganda agency controlled by the Soviet non-military intelligence agency (commonly known as the KGB). Here you can you can get popular like Daniel Ellsberg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being dissident, for criticizing your Pentagon. They know too much. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://39%20years%20ago,%20a%20KGB%20defector%20chillingly%20predicted%20modern%20America, assassinate political leaders with cyanide, In the Soviet Union, murderers had an easier time than political dissenters, 10 intellectuals who were expelled on Soviet Russias philosophers ships, 10 of the most controversial people in Russian history, 40% of Republicans dont mind if Russia interfered in 2016 election, poll finds, A Russian mathematician rewrote world history and it is bonkers, Heres what being filthy rich in Europe looked like in 1000 BC, 1 AD, and 1000 AD. There are hundreds of those gurus who come to your country to capitalize on the naivete and stupidity of Americans. yuri bezmenov india 9]. [7] Bezmenov did not return to the theater. Mr. Bezmenov has brought a series of slides with him that he has taken from the Soviet Union. It took me quite a long time to study exactly what they were doing and how to mix with them. My ancestors used to live in caves and eat raw meat when India was a highly civilized nation six thousand years ago. [6] This is when he met his wife, Tess. Wells - Extra. Yuri Bezmenov, a Russian born, KGB trained subverter tells about the influence of the Soviet Union on Western media and describes the stages of communist takeovers. And they greatly annoyed the Indian police and they were laughingstock of Indians, because obviously they they were good-for-nothing students. You cannot get rid of them. I cannot leave that area the same way as this black man cannot leave the area in South Africa. Are they still going on today or what is the status? And it was very shocking because all newspapers were trying to present an image of belligerent, aggressive American imperialism. Theres nothing to do with friendship and understanding between the nations and blah, blah, blah. They are bunch of hypocrites because they dont want to recognize a good example of racism in my country. Edward Kennedy was in Moscow and he thought that he is a popular, charismatic American politician who is easygoing, who can smile, dance at the wedding in Russian Palace of Marriages [Fig. yuri bezmenov atlanta Yet American journalists who were trying to appease, to please their hosts presented this picture on the centerfold as the symbol and personification of Soviet national they call it Russian national spirit. And it was greatest, greatest misconception and a very tragic misunderstanding. Simply because the psychological shock when they see in the future what the what the beautiful society of equality and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. You see, nothing special by American standards, just nice children sitting, eating their breakfast or lunch. They are very happy to be here and they are contributing to the glory of the socialist system. Some of them pretended that they believed what I was telling them, and most of them we may discuss it later what are the motivations of these people? The Soviets called their disinformation work through Novosti "active measures," though Schuman uses the phrase "ideological subversion" to describe the activity of Novosti. It is that. In the fifties and sixties, the Soviets and their allies began to use more creative means to mislead and misinform the West and the Third World, creating a cumulative effect that would in the long term be favorable to the Soviet Union. United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system.. It happened then in the Granada when Maurice Bishop was he was already a Marxist he was executed by a new Marxist who was more Marxist than this Marxist. Obviously, they prefer not to. They feel that they they matter a lot. Nobody could possibly think that the Soviet diplomat would be as crazy as to join a bunch of hippies. Obviously, its more beneficial for the Soviet aggressors to have a bunch of duped Americans than Americans who are self-conscious, healthy, physically fit, and alert to reality. This is the compiled version of all of Bezmenov's lectures I could find. This was. He was inspector of land forces, Soviet troops stationed in countries like Mongolia, Cuba, East European countries. Yes, I was working for the Soviet Embassy in New Delhi as a press officer, and defecting for a Soviet diplomat is next to impossible. There are not such as such people in USSR. A group of twelve people arrived to USSR from United States to cover the fiftieth anniversary of the October socialist revolution in my country. Well, life is obviously very much different for the simple reason that the Soviet Union is a state capitalist [economy] its state capitalism where an individual has absolutely no rights, no value. 30]. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet officer. Because as I said, I am now in your boat. And the initiator of this war is not Comrade Andropov, of course. But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. There are changes in the numbers of prisoners. Yet we call South African government racist regime. Deep inside, I hoped they would insult or offend my sentiments. Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy. However, not for long. This is the picture taken at the entrance of my Institute of Oriental Languages [Fig. So I had a couple of good shotguns in my basement. The interview features Yuri Bezmenov, a former communist and KGB public relations man, interviewed in 1984 by G. Edward Griffin. The next stage, of course, is crisis. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures or psychological warfare. False. Exposed to the ideology of the enemy. And also, I was a little bit paranoid knowing that both Soviet KGB and probably some double agents within the American system may be after me. And we discovered that, yes, there are some influential members of family, public opinion makers of United States, who come back with crazy stories about Indian philosophy. yuri bezmenov interview transcript When the Soviet citizen is assigned to a foreign job, he has to be married either to keep family in USSR as hostages or, if its a convenience marriage like mine, so that the husband and wife are virtually informers on each other to prevent defection or contamination by decadent imperialists or capitalist ideas. ex kgb yuri bezmenov In another somewhat terrifying excerpt, heres what Bezmenov had to say about what is really happening in the United States: It may think it is living in peace, but it has been actively at war with Russia, and for some time: Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime, said the former KGB agent. Thats basically all for my slides. And the most hated triangle the most hated corner of the triangle is the Communist Party bureaucrats. When the Soviet used the phrase ideological subversion. Searching for truth in unorthodox ways can be a valuable exercise. That is a phrase that Im afraid some Americans dont fully understand. Someone transcribed the entire interview http://uselessdissident.blogspot.com/2008/11/interview-with-yuri-bezmenov.html Another area of activity when I was working for the Novosti was to accompany groups of so-called progressive intellectuals, writers, journalists, publishers, teachers, professors of colleges. His life is nothing, just like an insect. Again, I can not smuggle my wife because she was not quite sure what what I was doing. and all kinds of Kissingers because they claim that they know more about my country. If people fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help the United States. In the interview, Bezmenov explained the methods used by the KGB for the gradual subversion of the political system of the United States. So I would say that those intellectuals who try to convince the American public that the concentration camp system is a thing of the past are either [00:09:15]conscientiously [0.0s] misleading public opinion, or they are not very intellectual people. In the middle you can see children playing on a small courtyard and the caption goes, This is a typical kindergarten in Siberia. What these idiots didnt understand is that it is not kindergarten at all. In 1954, early on in the Cold War, the Soviet Union created the Committee for State Security, more commonly known in the West as the KGB. Well, you spoke several times before about ideological subversion. This article was first published on Big Think in July 2018. What actually happens now that Unlike myself, you have literally several years to live on unless the United States wakes up. Of course, this claim that many baby boomers are somehow espousing KGB-tainted ideas is hard to believe but Bezmenovs larger point addressed why people who have been gradually demoralized are unable to understand that this has happened to them. yuri bezmenov subversion yuri bezmenov black pill Other books by Bezmenov are: No Novosti Is Good News,[4] World Thought Police,[5] Black Is Beautiful, Communism Is Not. yuri bezmenov demoralization The moment they land at Moscow airport, I had to take them to the VIP lounge and toast to friendship and understanding between the nations of the world. Yes. The whole article was dedicated to the shameful internal passport system where blacks are not allowed to live with whites [Fig. What about down at the broad mass level? You can see me in the same damn wedding palace in Moscow where Ed Kennedy was dancing here. What is their attitude? In this interview, Yuri Bezmenov explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America's values, destabilizing the economy, and provoking crises in order to sovietize the free world. [3], "As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. I was a highly paid expert in propaganda. Just sit down, look at your navel and meditate. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion npatou 56.3K subscribers Subscribe 15K 488K views 6 years ago KGB Operative/Soviet defector, Yuri. And American CIA could never figure out how could possibly communists know each individual, where he lives, where to get him, and would be arrested in one night. And this is the greatest tragedy for my nation. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. Yuri Bezmenov: To change the perception of reality of every American, to such an extent that, despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest . But until this Soviet junta is being supported by the Western so-called imperialists that is, multinational companies, establishments, governments and, lets face it, intellectuals so-called academia in the United States is famous for supporting the Soviet system as long as the Soviet junta will keep on receiving credits, money, technology, grain deals and political recognition from all these traitors of democracy or freedom, there is no hope. The KGB was even curious about this gentleman. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet Army officer. In what is perhaps a most striking passage in the interview, heres how Bezmenov described the state of a demoralized person: As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore, said Bezmenov. Educate yourself, understand what is going on around you. [2][5][6], According to a statement provided to the Delhi Police by the so-called Russian Information Centre, on February 8, 1970, Bezmenov was set to see a screening of the American film The Incident with two of his colleagues. They would see everything in kind of pink, nice color. [3][10] The CIA and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) advised him to adopt a new name and identity for reasons of safety. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. No sensible people would be proud to lose 20 millions of their countrymen in the war, which was started by Hitler and comrade Stalin, and paid by American multinationals. You dont need any espionage anymore. yuri bezmenov social justice For some strange reason, if you want to know more about Spain you refer to Spanish writers. Bezmenov described this process as a great brainwashing that has four basic stages. Two years later, he began teaching international relations at the University of Windsor. yuri bezmenov was right The facts tell nothing to him. I literally fell in love with this beautiful country, a country of great contrasts, but also great humility, great tolerance, and philosophical and intellectual freedoms. Mr. Bezmenov, weve read a lot about the concentration camps and the slave labor camps under the Stalin regime. Most of them pretend that they dont understand that we are actually working on behalf of the Soviet government and the KGB. Oh, yes. And hes not the only one. Publishers, editors, journalists, actors, educationalists, professors of political science, members of parliament, representatives of business circles. There is not a single explanation. If they dont stop it they cannot curb their insatiable desire for profit and if they keep on trading with the monster of Soviet communism, they are going to hang very soon. Posted 59 minutes ago. This picture shows the part of the building of USSR embassy and my supervisors [Fig. [4] However, Bezmenov did not do real freelance writing. That was most infuriating because when they defected and I explained to the CIA debriefers they should watch out because east Pakistan is going to erupt any moment. They have to obey, yes, because they are professional military. I socialized with characters like this, on the left you see is a barefoot American hippie [Fig. The next stage is destabilization. But I presume that many Americans, millions of Americans who were reading Look magazine at that time, had absolutely the wrong idea about the sentiments of my nation, about what the Soviets are proud of and what they hate. So obviously the choice was not to the advantage of my own nation. yuri bezmenov owen benjamin I am on the right here on the right. In other words, they they they would consume quite large volumes of alcohol and feel quite uneasy the next morning. Same thing was done under the guidance of the Soviet embassy in Hanoi, and same thing I was doing in New Delhi. And here, for example, we are on the tour in Arkhangelsk area [Fig. They they are selectively blind. And thats what happened in Nicaragua. For us, they were just a bunch of political prostitutes to be taken advantage of for various propaganda operations. Anyway, so I decided, as I said, to study the counterculture. So they they tried a different approach. You can see me here translating a speech by a Soviet boss [Fig. The group came to oversee the Soviet Unions internal security, secret police, and domestic and foreign intelligence operations. It takes from fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation. Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate, overt, and open. I objected, first of all, against oppression of my own dissidents and intellectuals. He will create false illusions that the situation is under control. And Indian government pretended not to see what was going on. However, it was reported by them at the time that he had not bought his ticket, and told them he would join them in a moment and try to purchase one from a scalper outside the theater. Mr. Bezmenov was born in 1939 in a suburb of Moscow. This is garbage. Thats why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond-type of thrillers. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. Or active measures or psychological warfare and demoralization rope on which they will go back home write... Was inspector of land forces, Soviet troops stationed in countries like,... From these contacts one generation of students during one of the United States in the middle can. The Soviet embassy in Hanoi, and same thing I was doing same way as this black can... 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His most chilling point was that theres a long-term plan put in play by Russia to defeat America through psychological warfare and demoralization. Its a long game that takes decades to achieve but it may already be bearing fruit. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. They have to force their government and Im not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful, noble activity I am talking about forcing the United States government to stop aiding communism because there is no other problem more burning and urgent than to stop the Soviet militaryindustrial complex from destroying whatever is left of the free world. What the hell for should I defect? Im standing next to a famous Indian poet, Sumitranandan Pant. It turns out that this is also a front for the KGB. So it looks dull. 28]. Bezmenov provides several real world examples of how Marxist leaders even execute and/or imprison each other. 16]. Bezmenov claimed this generation was already contaminated by Marxist-Leninist values. Global Edition. Any revolution is a byproduct of a highly organized group of conscientious and professional organizers. yuri bezmenov in 1983 This picture was taken on that day, and you can see again how happy it feels to be recruited by the KGB [Fig. This is it. The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already. Thats why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: Never bother with leftists. I was a student. My father was he is on the left here [Fig. He had an outstanding career with Novosti, which was the and still is, I should say the press arm or the press agency of the Soviet Union. Mr. Bezmenov was a Soviet informant and KGB operative who defected to the United States in the early 70s. The facts tell nothing to him. 25]. In the interview, Bezmenov explained the methods used by the Soviet Union KGB for the gradual subversion of the political system of the United States. You can see it with your own eyes, he said. There were thousands of young American boys and girls with no shoes, long hair, smoking hash and marijuana, studying sometimes Indian philosophy, sometimes simply pretending that they studied. Indians themselves look up upon them as idiots, useful idiots, to say nothing about KGB, who looked at them as as as extremely naive, misguided people. One of my colleagues in the Soviet consulate in Calcutta when he was dead drunk, he ventured into the basement to relieve himself and he found big boxes which said, Printed Matter to Dhaka University. Dhaka is the capital of East Pakistan. He claimed to know details of a Soviet plan to undermine the U.S., not on the battlefield but in the psyche of the American public. The differences, of course, in the daily life are very various, depending on who or whom we are talking about. And thats the way I had to keep them permanently for the next fifteen or twenty days. They publish their memoirs in their prisons and get handsomely paid by your crazy publishers. Obviously a VIP, say a wife of a congressman or or a prominent Hollywood personality, after after being trained at that school is much more instrumental in the hands of manipulators of public opinion and KGB than a normal person who understands, who looks through this type of fake religious training. What kind of people get deported? And when he is coming back to his own country he is going for years and years to teach the beauties of Soviet socialism to newer and newer generations of his students, thus promoting the Soviet propaganda line. Soviet dissidents are chasing American correspondents in the streets, and they are cowardly escaping from these contacts. From under the nose of the KGB in Bombay Airport, I landed the plane and I flew to to Greece, where I was debriefed by the CIA. But my function was not actually to get enrolled in the school, my function was to discover what kind of people from United States attend this school. Most likely, if they come to power in my country, theyll be more sensible negotiators for nuclear disarmament and withdrawal of the Soviet troops from many parts of the world. He is disposable, whereby in the United States, even even the worst criminal is treated as a human being. What for? [Fig. Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov ( Russian: ; December 11, 1939 - January 5, 1993; alias: Tomas David Schuman [1]) was a Soviet journalist for Novosti Press Agency (APN) and a former PGU KGB informant who defected to Canada . In my case, I hated that girl so much that the moment I landed in Moscow we were divorced and I married later a second time. It kills. Never mind. 22]. Therefore, you can see perfectly well the senior colleague of mine on the left doesnt really have that much respect on his face. At a certain point in time I had to withdraw alcohol from them so that some of them who are the most recruitable would feel a little bit shaky, guilty, trying to remember what they were talking about last night. This picture was printed in a Canadian government publication by mistake. Interview with Yuri Bezmenov (ex-KGB) by Edward Griffin - 1984. yuri bezmenov demoralisation And in response to the intimidations, I said, Look, this is a free country and I am as free as you are. This in part has contributed to a renewed interest in both Bezmenov's work and lectures. Whats more if people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help [the] United States, adding, You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.. Most of the Mukti Fauj leaders Mukti Fauj in Bengali means Peoples Army, same as SWAPO and all kinds of liberation armies all over the world, the same bunch of useful idiots they were trained that Lumumba University and various centers of the KGB in Simferopol, in Crimea, and in Tashkent. This is the worst thing. 5], Im trying to learn how to play an Indian musical instrument. Well, when did you finally make it to the United States? They were the cliches which the Soviet propaganda wants American public to think that they think, if it does make any sense at all. If we are talking about capitalists or wealthy businessmen, I think they are selling the rope on which they will hang very soon. He was educated in the elite schools inside the Soviet Union and he became an expert in Indian culture and Indian languages. yuri bezmenov brainwashing yuri_bezmenov_all_interviews_lectures_hq_1983_1984, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRqiJSEj5UY, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The first stage is called demoralization which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. Normalization is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda. I studied carefully where they congregate, what routes they travel, what language they speak, what they smoke. Its hard not to see in that the state of many modern Americans. They pretended that they are actually being guests of VIP intellectuals, that they are treated according to their merits and their intellectual abilities. Yuri Bezmenov - Ideological Subversion. According to my opinion, and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15 percent of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. This is a better picture which reflects the true spirit of the Soviet childhood [Fig. They would say something like, Please cross the street carefully because, you know, traffic is very heavy in Quebec. And fortunately, I know about the psychology and the logic of activity of the KGB, and I never allowed myself to be intimidated. First of all, because defecting in India is virtually impossible thanks to very strong pressure from the Soviet government. Whatever Bezmenov saw in the destabilized American society of the early 1980s with respect to the Soviet Union, it's easy to see how the American Left has destabilized entire segments of modern society after demoralizing them. They will go back home and write the reports: We were present at a regular Soviet wedding. They were not present at a regular Soviet wedding. Pakistan selling weapons to Ukraine sounds like a psyop to undermine Pakistani and Russian relations. According to the former KGB agent, that is the minimum number of years it takes to re-educate one generation of students that is normally exposed to the ideology of its country in other words, the time it takes to change what the people are thinking. Aim higher. This was my instruction. And hell tell us a little bit about how they did this and how they planted information which eventually wound up in the press of the free world. And it was the occasion was commissioning of the refinery complex in Bihar, Barauni. On that level they were successful. The third stage would be crisis. It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis, explained Bezmenov. 14]. Yet they stubbornly resist the word of truth. Those who refused the Soviet influence in their own country would be character-assassinated or executed physically come revolution. Unknown yuri bezmenov documentary 33]. yuri bezmenov family These were not opinions. yuri bezmenov full interview & lecture - hq But eventually I did it. Yes, this is a collection of slides, which are some of them are snapshots from my family album, some of them are documents which I smuggled from the Soviet embassy, and some are reproductions from local mass media. Most of the Soviet citizens look at this type of monument with disgust and sorrow because every family lost a father, brother, sister or child in the Second World War. Right. Yuri Bezmenov's father, pictured on left, was a Soviet general loyal to Stalin before, during, and after World War II. The KGB, of course, knew it and the CIA knew it. yuri bezmenov brainwash nation Thats interesting. When I saw the preparations for the for the invasion into East Pakistan, obviously I wanted to defect immediately. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet Army officer. You can see me here in Kremlin Im second on the left with a group of Pakistani and Indian intellectuals [Fig. They claim that they are experts on my country. What he did not understand, or maybe he pretended not to understand, was that actually he was being taken for a ride. Now, the viewers will be able to see these slides as we talk about them. I know that the most dangerous part of the Soviet power structures are not military at all. I could not trust anyone. And things, due to some strange logic, due to cosmic vibration, will settle down by themselves. Someone who is never fired from from the service, who stays they internally. You can see me here with a group of students during one of the war games near Moscow. Yuri Bezmenov worked as a "journalist" for Novosti Press Agency, which was a disinformation and propaganda agency controlled by the Soviet non-military intelligence agency (commonly known as the KGB). Here you can you can get popular like Daniel Ellsberg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being dissident, for criticizing your Pentagon. They know too much. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, Copy a link to the article entitled http://39%20years%20ago,%20a%20KGB%20defector%20chillingly%20predicted%20modern%20America, assassinate political leaders with cyanide, In the Soviet Union, murderers had an easier time than political dissenters, 10 intellectuals who were expelled on Soviet Russias philosophers ships, 10 of the most controversial people in Russian history, 40% of Republicans dont mind if Russia interfered in 2016 election, poll finds, A Russian mathematician rewrote world history and it is bonkers, Heres what being filthy rich in Europe looked like in 1000 BC, 1 AD, and 1000 AD. There are hundreds of those gurus who come to your country to capitalize on the naivete and stupidity of Americans. yuri bezmenov india 9]. [7] Bezmenov did not return to the theater. Mr. Bezmenov has brought a series of slides with him that he has taken from the Soviet Union. It took me quite a long time to study exactly what they were doing and how to mix with them. My ancestors used to live in caves and eat raw meat when India was a highly civilized nation six thousand years ago. [6] This is when he met his wife, Tess. Wells - Extra. Yuri Bezmenov, a Russian born, KGB trained subverter tells about the influence of the Soviet Union on Western media and describes the stages of communist takeovers. And they greatly annoyed the Indian police and they were laughingstock of Indians, because obviously they they were good-for-nothing students. You cannot get rid of them. I cannot leave that area the same way as this black man cannot leave the area in South Africa. Are they still going on today or what is the status? And it was very shocking because all newspapers were trying to present an image of belligerent, aggressive American imperialism. Theres nothing to do with friendship and understanding between the nations and blah, blah, blah. They are bunch of hypocrites because they dont want to recognize a good example of racism in my country. Edward Kennedy was in Moscow and he thought that he is a popular, charismatic American politician who is easygoing, who can smile, dance at the wedding in Russian Palace of Marriages [Fig. yuri bezmenov atlanta Yet American journalists who were trying to appease, to please their hosts presented this picture on the centerfold as the symbol and personification of Soviet national they call it Russian national spirit. And it was greatest, greatest misconception and a very tragic misunderstanding. Simply because the psychological shock when they see in the future what the what the beautiful society of equality and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. You see, nothing special by American standards, just nice children sitting, eating their breakfast or lunch. They are very happy to be here and they are contributing to the glory of the socialist system. Some of them pretended that they believed what I was telling them, and most of them we may discuss it later what are the motivations of these people? The Soviets called their disinformation work through Novosti "active measures," though Schuman uses the phrase "ideological subversion" to describe the activity of Novosti. It is that. In the fifties and sixties, the Soviets and their allies began to use more creative means to mislead and misinform the West and the Third World, creating a cumulative effect that would in the long term be favorable to the Soviet Union. United States is in a state of war: undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system.. It happened then in the Granada when Maurice Bishop was he was already a Marxist he was executed by a new Marxist who was more Marxist than this Marxist. Obviously, they prefer not to. They feel that they they matter a lot. Nobody could possibly think that the Soviet diplomat would be as crazy as to join a bunch of hippies. Obviously, its more beneficial for the Soviet aggressors to have a bunch of duped Americans than Americans who are self-conscious, healthy, physically fit, and alert to reality. This is the compiled version of all of Bezmenov's lectures I could find. This was. He was inspector of land forces, Soviet troops stationed in countries like Mongolia, Cuba, East European countries. Yes, I was working for the Soviet Embassy in New Delhi as a press officer, and defecting for a Soviet diplomat is next to impossible. There are not such as such people in USSR. A group of twelve people arrived to USSR from United States to cover the fiftieth anniversary of the October socialist revolution in my country. Well, life is obviously very much different for the simple reason that the Soviet Union is a state capitalist [economy] its state capitalism where an individual has absolutely no rights, no value. 30]. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet officer. Because as I said, I am now in your boat. And the initiator of this war is not Comrade Andropov, of course. But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. There are changes in the numbers of prisoners. Yet we call South African government racist regime. Deep inside, I hoped they would insult or offend my sentiments. Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy. However, not for long. This is the picture taken at the entrance of my Institute of Oriental Languages [Fig. So I had a couple of good shotguns in my basement. The interview features Yuri Bezmenov, a former communist and KGB public relations man, interviewed in 1984 by G. Edward Griffin. The next stage, of course, is crisis. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures or psychological warfare. False. Exposed to the ideology of the enemy. And also, I was a little bit paranoid knowing that both Soviet KGB and probably some double agents within the American system may be after me. And we discovered that, yes, there are some influential members of family, public opinion makers of United States, who come back with crazy stories about Indian philosophy. yuri bezmenov interview transcript When the Soviet citizen is assigned to a foreign job, he has to be married either to keep family in USSR as hostages or, if its a convenience marriage like mine, so that the husband and wife are virtually informers on each other to prevent defection or contamination by decadent imperialists or capitalist ideas. ex kgb yuri bezmenov In another somewhat terrifying excerpt, heres what Bezmenov had to say about what is really happening in the United States: It may think it is living in peace, but it has been actively at war with Russia, and for some time: Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system trains another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime, said the former KGB agent. Thats basically all for my slides. And the most hated triangle the most hated corner of the triangle is the Communist Party bureaucrats. When the Soviet used the phrase ideological subversion. Searching for truth in unorthodox ways can be a valuable exercise. That is a phrase that Im afraid some Americans dont fully understand. Someone transcribed the entire interview http://uselessdissident.blogspot.com/2008/11/interview-with-yuri-bezmenov.html Another area of activity when I was working for the Novosti was to accompany groups of so-called progressive intellectuals, writers, journalists, publishers, teachers, professors of colleges. His life is nothing, just like an insect. Again, I can not smuggle my wife because she was not quite sure what what I was doing. and all kinds of Kissingers because they claim that they know more about my country. If people fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help the United States. In the interview, Bezmenov explained the methods used by the KGB for the gradual subversion of the political system of the United States. So I would say that those intellectuals who try to convince the American public that the concentration camp system is a thing of the past are either [00:09:15]conscientiously [0.0s] misleading public opinion, or they are not very intellectual people. In the middle you can see children playing on a small courtyard and the caption goes, This is a typical kindergarten in Siberia. What these idiots didnt understand is that it is not kindergarten at all. In 1954, early on in the Cold War, the Soviet Union created the Committee for State Security, more commonly known in the West as the KGB. Well, you spoke several times before about ideological subversion. This article was first published on Big Think in July 2018. What actually happens now that Unlike myself, you have literally several years to live on unless the United States wakes up. Of course, this claim that many baby boomers are somehow espousing KGB-tainted ideas is hard to believe but Bezmenovs larger point addressed why people who have been gradually demoralized are unable to understand that this has happened to them. yuri bezmenov subversion yuri bezmenov black pill Other books by Bezmenov are: No Novosti Is Good News,[4] World Thought Police,[5] Black Is Beautiful, Communism Is Not. yuri bezmenov demoralization The moment they land at Moscow airport, I had to take them to the VIP lounge and toast to friendship and understanding between the nations of the world. Yes. The whole article was dedicated to the shameful internal passport system where blacks are not allowed to live with whites [Fig. What about down at the broad mass level? You can see me in the same damn wedding palace in Moscow where Ed Kennedy was dancing here. What is their attitude? In this interview, Yuri Bezmenov explains how Marxist ideology is deconstructing America's values, destabilizing the economy, and provoking crises in order to sovietize the free world. [3], "As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. I was a highly paid expert in propaganda. Just sit down, look at your navel and meditate. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion npatou 56.3K subscribers Subscribe 15K 488K views 6 years ago KGB Operative/Soviet defector, Yuri. And American CIA could never figure out how could possibly communists know each individual, where he lives, where to get him, and would be arrested in one night. And this is the greatest tragedy for my nation. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. Yuri Bezmenov: To change the perception of reality of every American, to such an extent that, despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest . But until this Soviet junta is being supported by the Western so-called imperialists that is, multinational companies, establishments, governments and, lets face it, intellectuals so-called academia in the United States is famous for supporting the Soviet system as long as the Soviet junta will keep on receiving credits, money, technology, grain deals and political recognition from all these traitors of democracy or freedom, there is no hope. The KGB was even curious about this gentleman. He was the son of a high ranking Soviet Army officer. In what is perhaps a most striking passage in the interview, heres how Bezmenov described the state of a demoralized person: As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore, said Bezmenov. Educate yourself, understand what is going on around you. [2][5][6], According to a statement provided to the Delhi Police by the so-called Russian Information Centre, on February 8, 1970, Bezmenov was set to see a screening of the American film The Incident with two of his colleagues. They would see everything in kind of pink, nice color. [3][10] The CIA and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) advised him to adopt a new name and identity for reasons of safety. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. No sensible people would be proud to lose 20 millions of their countrymen in the war, which was started by Hitler and comrade Stalin, and paid by American multinationals. You dont need any espionage anymore. yuri bezmenov social justice For some strange reason, if you want to know more about Spain you refer to Spanish writers. Bezmenov described this process as a great brainwashing that has four basic stages. Two years later, he began teaching international relations at the University of Windsor. yuri bezmenov was right The facts tell nothing to him. I literally fell in love with this beautiful country, a country of great contrasts, but also great humility, great tolerance, and philosophical and intellectual freedoms. Mr. Bezmenov, weve read a lot about the concentration camps and the slave labor camps under the Stalin regime. Most of them pretend that they dont understand that we are actually working on behalf of the Soviet government and the KGB. Oh, yes. And hes not the only one. Publishers, editors, journalists, actors, educationalists, professors of political science, members of parliament, representatives of business circles. There is not a single explanation. If they dont stop it they cannot curb their insatiable desire for profit and if they keep on trading with the monster of Soviet communism, they are going to hang very soon. Posted 59 minutes ago. This picture shows the part of the building of USSR embassy and my supervisors [Fig. [4] However, Bezmenov did not do real freelance writing. That was most infuriating because when they defected and I explained to the CIA debriefers they should watch out because east Pakistan is going to erupt any moment. They have to obey, yes, because they are professional military. I socialized with characters like this, on the left you see is a barefoot American hippie [Fig. The next stage is destabilization. But I presume that many Americans, millions of Americans who were reading Look magazine at that time, had absolutely the wrong idea about the sentiments of my nation, about what the Soviets are proud of and what they hate. So obviously the choice was not to the advantage of my own nation. yuri bezmenov owen benjamin I am on the right here on the right. In other words, they they they would consume quite large volumes of alcohol and feel quite uneasy the next morning. Same thing was done under the guidance of the Soviet embassy in Hanoi, and same thing I was doing in New Delhi. And here, for example, we are on the tour in Arkhangelsk area [Fig. They they are selectively blind. And thats what happened in Nicaragua. For us, they were just a bunch of political prostitutes to be taken advantage of for various propaganda operations. Anyway, so I decided, as I said, to study the counterculture. So they they tried a different approach. You can see me here translating a speech by a Soviet boss [Fig. The group came to oversee the Soviet Unions internal security, secret police, and domestic and foreign intelligence operations. It takes from fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation. Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate, overt, and open. I objected, first of all, against oppression of my own dissidents and intellectuals. He will create false illusions that the situation is under control. And Indian government pretended not to see what was going on. However, it was reported by them at the time that he had not bought his ticket, and told them he would join them in a moment and try to purchase one from a scalper outside the theater. Mr. Bezmenov was born in 1939 in a suburb of Moscow. This is garbage. Thats why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond-type of thrillers. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. Or active measures or psychological warfare and demoralization rope on which they will go back home write... Was inspector of land forces, Soviet troops stationed in countries like,... From these contacts one generation of students during one of the United States in the middle can. The Soviet embassy in Hanoi, and same thing I was doing same way as this black can... 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